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I knock at Jesse's house. He opens me after a few seconds and as soon as he sees me, a smile spreads across his face. "Good evening" he says in a sweet tone and motioning me to enter. I'm intimidated, as if it were the first time I've come here. "You settle down, I'll be right back" he says before disappearing into the next room. I sit on the bed waiting for him to come back and when he comes back, he is holding two bottles of beer.

"What do you think?" He asks.

"You want to start hard tonight" I say trying to contain my nervousness.

Jesse hints at a laugh. He passes me a bottle as he sits across from me on the bed.

"What are we celebrating?" He asks.

"I don't know, what are you proposing?" I ask.

He rolls his eyes, pretending to think about it. He comes up to me and gives me a light kiss on the lips.

"What do you think? Can it be okay?" He asks an inch from me.

I nod as I bite my bottom lip.

"Perfect " he says and after lightly banging one bottle against the other, we latch onto it.

"How was today?" I ask, as I think of a way to introduce the subject Dina.

Jesse tells me a little about his day but I feel like my mind is completely elsewhere. "What about you?" Suddenly asks me. I snap like just woken up to a daydream. "Are you okay?" Ask me. "Er, yeah. I'm just a little tired" I say. Jesse, who seems to have realized I'm not "just a little tired" takes the beer from my hands and puts it on the bedside table next to hers. He approaches me and kisses me passionately. I take his head in my hands as he lays me down. We keep kissing as his hands slide down my hips until they reach down. I have a gasp.

"Did I do something wrong?" He asks. I look deeply into his eyes and then pull him away from above me. He looks at me confusedly.

"No, no, you didn't do anything...It's just..." I try to say but I'm in panic.

"Charlie, what's going on?" Jesse asks seriously worried.

I turn to him: it's time to tell him.

"We have to talk about something ..." I say.

Jesse stands up, ready to listen. "You heard about Ellie and Dina, right?" I ask, really hoping that he already knows everything so that he will avoid me telling it.

"Ellie and Dina? No, I don't know anything ..." he replies. Sigh.

"I've been out all day at the outpost and haven't met hardly anyone, I'm sorry" he says. I'll briefly tell him what happened.

"Is Dina jealous?" Jesse asks as if pleased with the news.

"I didn't understand it well, but the fact is that she just doesn't like you and me ... well ... you can understand by yourself" I say immersed in embarrassment, but Jesse is no longer listening to me. He is looking towards the center of the room and looks as shocked as he is surprised, although I don't understand if it's positive or not.

"Do you like it?" I ask a little irritated by this attitude of his.

"What? Absolutely not " he replies, stroking my leg.

"Jesse ..." I call him not convinced of the answer.

"Charlie, I'm serious! I'm ... I'm speechless: Dina is the most indecisive person on the planet and certainly that's not a good quality. She never appreciates what she has, when it's at her disposal, but as soon as she passes it on to someone else, she wants it back. What a nuisance! "

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