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As promised, Kenny took Levi to the ice cream parlor after a week and a half. The little raven recovered in a week but Kenny wanted to be sure this, Levi's rest day extended. He made sure to inform the school, his nephew's teacher understood and said that it was for the better because Levi's classmate, Erwin Smith, also got the flu just recently.

"Hurry up, Uncle!" Levi jumped on his seat.

"Okay, okay, hold on, I have to find a good parking spot," Kenny chuckled at his nephew's excitement.

"Why can't we bring Captian again?" Levi whined.

"Because Captain will get sick if he eats ice cream," Kenny reasoned with a small smile.

"Then, we're not getting him ice cream!"

"I'm sorry, Le. The ice cream parlor doesn't allow pets," Kenny finally told him the truth. The raven had been going back and forth as to why the little golden retriever couldn't join them. Kenny didn't want to tell Levi that pets were not allowed in the shop because-

"Then, I'll ask Eren and he'll allow it!" Levi explained.

Kenny nodded at himself. Yes, he knew that Levi would say that. The old Alpha didn't want to bother the brunette teen any further, it was unsanitary to bring an animal in an ice cream parlor anyways.

"Levi," Kenny slightly dropped his tone. "Captian is having fun with Ms. Rico's German Shepards."

"Yeah," Levi pouted. "But those German Sheepers were so big, what happens if they stepped on Captain?"

Kenny tried to suppress a chuckle, the raven wasn't wrong when he misses said 'shepherds as 'sheepers', those dogs do herd sheep. "Don't worry, they won't step on Captain."

"But..." Levi dragged on, looking out of the window with a sad pout when they finally park. Then, his blue-stormy eyes landed on something in the parking and he squeaked. "Eeek!"

Kenny almost jumped at the sudden noise and whipped his head back at his nephew. "What's wrong? What is it?!"

"Uncle, let's go home," Levi shrunk on the seat.

"What?!" Kenny couldn't believe what came out of his nephew's mouth. They finally arrived at the ice cream parlor after a week and a half. Levi's been begging to buy some ice cream when he was sick and almost threw a tantrum. Thankfully at that time, the little raven had taken his medicine and the drowsy effect was working, if it didn't,  had no idea how to handle Levi's sick tantrum.

Levi pointed at the red car that just parked next to theirs.

Kenny's eyes grew in recognition. "Oh, that's-"

"LEVI!" Hange Zoe suddenly appeared right at Levi's window. She was screaming the raven's name while jumping as high as she could and knocking at the window.

"Nooooo!" Levi hissed before turning to Kenny. "Let's go home! Now!"

"But isn't Hange your friend?" Kenny smiled.

"LEVI! I MISS YOU!" Hange screamed.

"She's not my friend!"

Finally, Mrs. Zoe came in and stopped her daughter from screaming and knocking on Levi's window. Kenny smiled as he gets off the car and greeted the other parent.

Levi froze when his uncle open the backseat door. He expected Hange to pop in but thankfully the Beta was out of sight.

"It's okay, Le. I talked to Hange. She promised to behave," Kenny reassured while he took off the raven's seatbelt and gathered Levi in his arms.

Levi held onto his Uncle for dear life. He felt safe when Kenny carried him because the old Alpha was tall, there is no way Hange could reach him.

"I promise!" Hange raised her hand when Levi was finally out of the car.

The Struggles of Kenny AckermanWhere stories live. Discover now