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This chapter will not include lemons since I'm kind of uncomfortable writing it.

It was 8pm at night, that was the closing time. You closed down the flower shop and locked the entrance. It's time to head home to take a shower, and go to sleep. As you were showering you still can't seem to get rid of a certain young man in your thoughts. 

Y/N: You just met him why are you even falling for him so easily? He's nice and all but come on you're better than that.

~Timeskip to you sleeping~

Little did you know, that you were being followed to your house. He had the advantage as he figured out you didn't lock your door to your house and your room door was wide open when you sleep. He carried you away and brought you inside his house while you're still sleeping. As he lay you down on his bed you are suddenly wide awake.

Y/N: « what the hell, where am I?! What are you doing to me?! You are that young guy who had that sunflower...what do you want?! »

Young man: « I apologised for not introducing myself earlier at that flower shop. My name is Ryomen Sukuna and I hate to say this, you're mine and no other guy gets to have you »

Y/N: « No! Why me?! This is kidnapping and it's illegal! »

Sukuna: « I don't care if it's illegal or not you're mine and that's that. »

Y/N: « No I'm not yours! I don't belong to you, I belonged to myself! Now let me out of here this instant! »

Sukuna: « No that will never happen. »

Y/N: « why?! »

Sukuna: « That's because you're cute and you happened to be my type~ »

Y/N: « what?! No I'm not cute since when am I cute?! Do I look cute to you?! In your dreams! »

Sukuna: « well it doesn't matter if you think you're cute or not as long as I find you cute that's all that matters! »

You look for an opening to escape but Sukuna knew what you're thinking, he pins you on his bed with both of his hands.

Y/N: « No!! »

He takes out a rope and ties both of your hands together, he was stripping you off of your kimono at the same time he made sure you can't escape from his clutches. You hate to admit it but the way he touches you made you want him more. He didn't use violence on you or try to kill you. You are upset with yourself from having this feeling about him. You gave in to his touches, and you kissed him. He smirked at your actions and kissed you back. He strips his clothes off and continue with the love making session.

The next day you woke up only to find yourself naked in his bed.

Y/N: I thought it was a bad dream but it turned out to be real. What was I thinking letting him do what he wants to me?

You realised that he's not in his bed.

Y/N: Where is Sukuna? I need to look for him.

Sukuna: « looking for me sweetheart? How was our lovemaking session last night~?»

Y/N: « shut up it was your fault that I'm no longer a virgin! You're the one who made me this way! Geez I should have escape when I have the chance »

Sukuna: « Admit it you like it Y/N »

Y/N: « how the heck did you know my name?! »

Sukuna: « I was watching you from a distance and I saw your shop with your name displayed on it so it had to be you »

Y/N: « wait, how long have you been watching me? »

Sukuna: « two weeks »

Y/N: « WHAT?! »

Sukuna: « don't tell me you never have a crush before »

Y/N: « I did but I would never go this far to stalk my crush! »

Sukuna: « whatever. I like you and you like me so we are officially a couple »

Y/N: « couple my ass! We are not a couple there's no way I wanna be your girlfriend! »

Sukuna: « too bad you already slept with me that means you're mine »

Y/N: « ugh! When will you let me go?! »

Sukuna: « I won't. If you ever get pregnant I will be willing to take responsibility »

Y/N: « but I'm too young to be a mother! I'm 21 years old»

Sukuna: « it's not that bad honestly »

Y/N: « oh my gosh if I really do get pregnant that would be bad news »

Sukuna: « I don't think that's bad news in fact I don't really mind »

Y/N: What did I ever do to deserve this?!

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