Don't leave me

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Hi sorry it's been around two months since I have updated this book as I had run out of ideas but this will be the last chapter to the book.

As you were rushing towards where Sukuna was going you can't help be scared and worried.

You: (I know he is a sorcerer and all but those people that he's dealing with him right now they might be more powerful so I have to ensure that he is safe. I hope it's not too late to reach him, please be alive Sukuna!)

Suddenly you heard a sound of shouting, which for sure could be the killer's.

You: (hurry Y/N, hurry!)

But when you're about to reach the location the shouting went silent and everything's so quiet.

You: (Did Sukuna win? If he is then I have to check if he's injured. He could be bleeding or...)

You then noticed a crowd of people gathering and it seems the fighting had stopped.

You: "Excuse me I need to see what's happening-"

That's when you realised the person who was dead was not the killer but Sukuna, the man you wished to marry. You went down on your knees with your hands covering your mouth as your tears slowly drip from your eyes. The worst thing was, all of his fingers were cut off.

You: "No Sukuna, please please don't leave me! Don't go dying on me Sukuna, I loved you!"

Sukuna: "Y/ came here.....for me?"

You: "yes one of my regular customers told me that. Please don't die!"

Sukuna: "I couldn't....I tried to fight them off but they....played dirty and killed me from behind...I'm sorry I failed you...."

You: "No don't say that I will still love you no matter what happens!"

Sukuna: "Y/N please forget me....I won't be able to stay alive should find another guy since I couldn't be by your side...."

You: "No I would rather stay single till I die there's no way I would wanna marry another guy! There's gotta be a way to heal you, I could get some of the good sorcerers to heal your wounds, they have to help!"

Sukuna: "don't be naive....all of them were against me since I killed those bad guys...."

You: "then I will make them heal you no matter what!"

Sukuna: "no please Y/N you will only get yourself hurt....."

You: "I'm not gonna watch you die I will find them and make them fix this!"

Sukuna: "I tried to reason with them but it's no use...."

You: "just tell me Sukuna where is their location?"

You went to their dojo, desperate for their help. You have to make them accept your offer no matter what.

You: "Help! Somebody please try to cure my lover he's dying!"

Toro: "who might that be?"

You: "he's a young man with the pink hair!"

Toro: "give up I wouldn't heal him for you"

You: "why?!"

Toro: "There were dead bodies, because of that we are not gonna to let him do what he wants!"

You: "he was saving me from-"

Toro: "I knew that he already told me but he should have knock them unconscious instead of killing them as killing is against the law for sorcerers unless it's Curses."

You: "you bastard all you care about is yourself and this stupid law of the sorcerers have you ever think that if he didn't kill them, they would come for me again?!"

Toro: "like I said the officials will be able to handle those jerks by giving them the death sentence but it's not the duty of a sorcerer to kill anybody unless they're ordered to. It's his fault that he lets his emotions get the better of him and made a reckless decision."

Sou: "Sir Kou we should probably listen to-"

Toro: "Did I SAY that you can INTERRUPT?!Sou?!"

Sou: "my apologies Sir Kou. It was very rude of me to interrupt."

Toro: "like I said young lady I have no rights to change the rules of sorcerers, only the higher ups had the rights to do so."

You: "why don't you convince them to-"

Toro: "you think I can do that?! If I were to do so, I would be dead and Sou will be left alone without someone training him to be a better sorcerer. It's my duty that justice should be served."

You: "I can't believe this. You think this is justice but it's not that's cruelty! Have you seen the way how Sukuna is still alive with his fingers missing?! You lot are monsters!"

Toro: "what did you just say?"

You: "I will say it once more this time loud and clear all of you are monsters with no compassion!"

Sou: "no don't you don't wanna get Sir Kou mad-"

Toro goes behind you and attacks you but he's careful not to kill you as he was not ordered to do so.

You: "you coward is that what you all sorcerers do? Attacking people and analysing their weak spots?! You all are pathetic and you didn't care about people all you care about is the law! That's it I will have to kill you and probably force your lackey to heal my lover!"

Toro: "you wouldn't wanna do that"

You: "haha try me!"

You swing your knife at Toro only for him to dodge your attacks and pin you to the ground.

Toro: "not bad you have a fighting spirit if you are like us you could probably be a sorcerer too"

You: "shut your mouth asshole-"

Sou: "Sir Kou what are you doing?"

Toro: "I'm simply knocking her unconscious. Honestly she's one hell of a burden to us. Let's bring her back to that shop of hers."

Sou: "yes"

Timeskip to you waking up

You were in your flower shop crying for 30 minutes. The man you loved was killed and tortured by those sorcerers but you were outsmarted by none other than Toro who was a skilled sorcerer but he would be nothing with the help of Sou and the other young sorcerer who helped him to kill Sukuna. You were very mad that those sorcerers were somehow corrupted in their thinking and you developed hatred for them.

70 years later

You didn't get married as your love for Sukuna didn't went away. He was your everything, without him you wouldn't be working at your shop, you will be working as a courtesan.

You: (Sukuna I will be leaving this world soon enough so I can get to see you please wait for me)

The end

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