Can't Have Nice Things, Can I?

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(Side note: This chapter ain't all fluff. This chapter includes implied physical, Emotional and mental abuse, Abuse (Physical, Mental and emotional) actually being acted out by one of the characters and homophobia. I seriously advise you to proceed with caution if this may trigger you. If you cannot handle this, Please turn back now.)

The day of the ball had arrived. Demitrius and Korietta had been preparing all day for it. Demitrius had been getting his outfit ready and Korietta had been doing her hair. Demitrius couldn't get his mind off of what happened and Korietta caught onto this quickly. She looked at the green haired boy with a bit of concern.

"D-Demitrius? W-What has you so worked u-up? Is it b-butterflies?"

Demitrius turned to look at Korietta with his face being covered in make up and bandages. He felt ashamed, Angry, Tired and upset all at once. Korietta could tell his facade was fading and she went over to be comfort. She hugged him softly, This rarely happened with either of them. They barely hugged their parents, Let alone each other. Demitrius got jumpy a bit but eventually hugged her while his emotional wall broke down.

"H-Han- M-Mom- Hurt me-"

Korietta already knew. Demitrius' mother wasn't exactly an angel. She hit, Scratched, Manipulated, Schemed and more. Demitrius had a lot of pressure put on him due to being the youngest of his siblings and being expected to be the most behaved. He could still hear his mother in his mind.

"Y-You said Han? A-As in your friend? D-Do I need to call-"

Demitrius yelled a sharp 'NO' at that request. Korietta got slightly spooked by his reaction. He usually always wanted Hanta around. What had been so different? Demitrius calmed down and inhaled. 'Remember your breathing tactics. Five seconds inhale, Five seconds exhale.' He told himself in his mind. Demitrius cleared his throat.

"Sorry. Just a bit worried. I don't think Hanta will be coming today though. It's just . . . Something came up with his family and he had to cancel his invite."

That was untrue. Yes, Something did happen but it wasn't with Hanta's family. It was with Demitrius.

Flashback to the week before the celebration was held. Demitrius was standing there with his mother in front of him. Her fists were clenched and Demitrius had a bloody nose. He was trying to calm her down the best he could.

"M-Mom, Please, No. I-I can't take anymore hits. I-I couldn't stop it-"

The green haired woman didn't care to hear his pleas. With one kick to the stomach, He was on the wall. The green haired woman made sure he was pinned down. She couldn't be stopped.

"First, How dare you hang out with such a lower class nobody? I thought I told you to get rid of that plebeian of a boy the first second I saw him. Second, How dare you even get an inch close to his face? I can't believe my son is a gay man."

Demitrius was fading in and out of consciousness. He tried to listen but he was badly bruised. No villain could do this. This was a monster.

"Unless you want him to get kicked out of UA permanently, I suggest you cut him off and take his invite from the gala. I don't need low-class pond scum walking around on MY expensive dance floor. Especially with the Sauki's present."

Demitrius heard most of it. He didn't want his friend getting kicked out due to him. He teared up as he tried to stand. He was getting tired of the same routine every single day.

"Y-You won't do that! He isn't just low-class pond scum! He's my frie-"

Wrong decision. He got hurt more than he ever could have been. Now accompanied with a broken nose, A wire mark on his neck and an eye scratch too. The woman decided to not take out much more of her anger on him since she could hear his dad coming.

"Unless you wish to suffer worse, You know what must be done."

Demitrius gave into the manipulation. He nodded and cried as he pulled out his phone. All it took was one button to delete the one thing in life he could call happiness. And with that, Hanta's contact information had been deleted from Demitrius' phone. He was in a lose-lose situation either way. He didn't want to bring his friends down with him.

Going back to the present, Demitrius, Korietta, Ms. Sauki and both Lunemaz parents were watching as the gala guests walked in. Demitrius and Korietta had been hidden away, Awaiting their grand entrance. They weren't that excited for this party, They did this monthly. Weekly almost. Demitrius couldn't let the guilt go. He had lost his best friend, He couldn't handle himself just yet. Korietta had been comforting him as much as she could, She wanted to make him happy. Just one smile is all she wanted.

Suddenly, The back door opened. That was the guest door. Korietta and Demitrius looked behind them and gasped.

"Demitrius? Hehe, Hey . . ."

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