(Most) Good Little Boys Follow Orders

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The plan had been taking forever to be in development. Hanta had been losing his mind the more they weren't saving his friend. Mansuga, Didazinu and the other kids who weren't taken had been helping too with this. They each grouped up and tried to figure out who was who.

"One had purple hair. The others, Im not sure about."

Said the oldest Lunemaz, Nievu. She had been on this case ever since it happened. The adults tried hard to not actually involve the kids but they were . . . Convincing to say the least. The second oldest, Hizuchi, Spoke up after.

"Maybe it was some kind of criminal organization. Wait- Well no duh it was a criminal organization. But no trace of DNA was seen, This must have been a planned event with some type of A-Rank criminals."

Nothing was left behind, No face, No DNA, Nothing. This was going to be hard to solve. But they had to do it for family. Jitsenti, The youngest of the group and the only remaining Sauki, Decided to speak up for once.

"We can't trace the hair color and masks back to the person? What about the cameras? Maybe the-"

Everyone in the room laughed at his little mind going. That's how it usually went though. Everyone underestimating the 14 year old. He was more than just a little kid though. Jitsenti had a higher IQ than anyone else in his middle school, Had better aim, Had been faster and stronger than the normal 14 year old boy. Just because he was loud, energetic and a bit naive doesn't mean he was dumb.

Hanta saw this and simply patted his head so he didn't feel too bad. He kinda felt bad for the kid.

"Oh Jitsenti, It's not that simple. Good try though. How about you go wait out in the hall for a bit? Let the heros do the work, Hm?"

Hizuchi gave him a little sticker on Jitsenti's head. It took some restraint to not bite Hizuchi right then and there. Jitsenti looked even more angry at just being sent out. He wanted to be a hero too.

"I didn't even get to finish. Let me talk about what I need to say. Maybe it could be usefu-"

Mansuga bent down and patted Jitsenti on the head. She only saw him as a little boy who just dreamed about being like her. Nothing more, Nothing less.

"Now now Jitsenti. The adults are talking. Good little boys follow instructions. So how about you go outside and let us handle the work."

Jitsenti didn't fight anymore, He just stormed out while the rest kept talking. Hanta debated himself on stuff like this a lot. This mission was important to him, But Jitsenti was clearly upset. After a bit of debating, He decided to comfort Jitsenti after the meeting. 

The saving group made some progress on getting information and plan development. Everyone was excused to leave once it was over. They were all huddled in the Sauki manor so there was no doubt that Jitsenti was up in his room. Hanta made his way up to his room immediately. He gave a tiny little knock to not scare Jitsenti.

"Jin Jin. You in there? It's Cellophane. I just wanna talk to ya."

Jitsenti opened the door with a bit of an angry look. His hair was on fire a bit due to his quirk. Even when it's not in usage, It could happen in some stressful or intensely emotional circumstances. It was pretty easy to tell when he was super mad. Hanta tried to put out his hair with a few head pats.

"Did you want anything? You looked a bit upset when you were walking out."

Jitsenti sighed a bit and let him into his room. It was full of hero posters and other boyish things, Like bats and blankets so he could pretend to be a hero.

"Im alright. Just feeling a bit bad. Did you guys figure out how to get the others back yet or are you all still working on it?"

Jitsenti hopped onto his bed and pulled out a water. Hanta always got one everytime he came over. This wasn't unusual. Hanta sat down on a bean bag near him and took a sip of the cold water.

"We still didn't get nothing. All we got was a few ideas. No actual plan though."

Jitsenti sighed at that sentence. He knew he could come up with a plan. He did it so many times before. It wasn't uncommon to hear him planning in his room in case of emergencies. It was one of his specialties. Hanta knew this. Jitsenti's upset face made him question his morals for a bit.

"Hey. Maybe you could make up a plan. I can recommend it to your mom so you can get the credit for it. I can get you the information you need if that's what you're worried about."

Jitsenti looked at Hanta and smiled a bit. He went over and got some paper from his drawer and a pencil. He handed Hanta a pencil and rolled up his sleeves.

"Tell me everything you know about this. I'll get to writing while you talk. I can keep up with your words."

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