Save It For The King

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Jitsenti and Xinhu had already gotten through the plan within about the first fifteen minutes of it getting introduced. Once Xinhu had been fully aware of what it was supposed to be, He seemed more calm. He COULD just take Jitsenti on his own and watch him go ape shit on the guards of the little organization, But where's the fun in that? Plus, He wanted to see a specific person once again.

So here they both were, Walking down towards Jitsenti's home and both feeling accomplished in working together to find a way to help out everyone, Even if they didn't see much potential in him. Jitsen had been hopping up and down as they approached the door with a bit of glee. Before he opened the door, He turned to Xinhu and put his hood over his head.

"Okay, Remember the plan. You stand behind me and I'll introduce them to you. Then, We'll both announce your involvement with the plan. We both get what we want, Okay?"

Xinhu giggled and nodded as Jitsenti opened the door. The adults were sitting around and talking to each other while Hanta kept looking around and tensing up. He clearly didn't tell anybody it was Jitsenti's idea. That didn't matter now at least. Jitsenti cleared his throat and got everybody's attention.

"Everyone! I have an announcement!"

Mansuga turned to look at her son with the clearly tall boy right next to him with a hoodie on. Without context, She thought her house was getting robbed. But her son didn't seem to catch the hint. Nievu, Hizuchi and Hanta all looked like they were about to attack.

"Jin Jin. What the hell is this? Why is there a strange man in here? Aunt Suga, Did you have something to do with this?" Hizuchi said while looking at Mansuga.

Jitsenti smiled as he got into a confident pose. His posture seemed to become straighter and more strong. In his perspective, Everything was so sparkly and clear to him. To everybody else in the room however, They were not too thrilled about this little dilemma Jitsenti had created. Xinhu smirked as he waited for Jitsenti to get his introduction over with.

"Everyone, Allow me to introduce you to the man who's going to save Demitrius, Korietta and Likuro! Say hello to Xinhu Luzitan!"

Xinhu pulled down his hood and smiled as he looked around the room. The whole room seemed to go silent as everyone seemed to have different reactions. Hanta was confused, Hizuchi was enthusiastic, Nievu was surprised, Mansuga was . . . Well, You couldn't really tell what she was feeling. Her face almost never changed. However, That didn't mean the feeling was a good or neutral one.

"Hello there, Everyone! It's so amazing to see your faces again! Gosh, It feels like forever since I talked to you guys! I see we have another member of this friend group as well. How wonderful!"

Hizuchi was the first to get up and walk towards Xinhu. They both exchanged a high five and a glowing smile towards each other. Jitsenti and Hanta both looked confused on why Hizuchi was being so friendly and open to a presumed stranger. Jitsenti chalked it up to him just being happy and joyful like always. So did Hanta to some degree. But they both knew something was up when Xinhu gently took the hand of Nievu and kissed it gently. Usually, A gesture like this wouldn't slide with Nievu. But she didn't do much to avoid it.

"Why hello there, Ms. Uvino. Have you ALWAYS been this beautiful or am I finally opening my eyes after a coma?"

Nievu rolled her eyes playfully and looked away from him. Xinhu giggled as he finally looked up at Mansuga. She was staring daggers at the white haired boy. Xinhu could definitely feel the tension in the room rise. So, He tried to be funny and bowed his head like a showman would. He chuckled a little as he tried to looked at Mansuga in the eyes. Of course, His eyes wandered under her dress a little bit but he knew to keep his eyes off of places that weren't his to look at.

"Ms. Sauki. It seems as if you haven't changed a bit since the last time I've seen you. Still as pretty as always, Huh?"

Mansuga didn't say a word as she looked away from Xinhu. A nervous chuckle came from him as he adjusted his collar. Hanta caught Mansuga's tone and quickly thought that this guy wasn't someone to be trusted so easily. He cleared his throat quite loudly and caught the attention of Jitsenti and Xinhu. Jin didn't seem to be amused at Hanta, Which he felt pretty bad about. Xinhu raised an eyebrow at the black haired boy and questioned who this strange man was.

"Hm. Haven't seen you around before. You a civilian or something?"

Xinhu held out his hand for a shake. Hanta didn't want to seem rude so he shook Xinhu's hand politely. He even added a smile, How nice. Xinhu smiled back and let go of Hanta's hand. He looked back at Jitsenti and was given a nod. Xinhu cleared his throat and seemed to get serious.

"Now, I heard about your little problem. Maybe I can help you out with it. After all, I wanna save my best friends as quick and carefully as possible."

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