Four Test Subjects

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(I had to cut this chapter in half since it was getting too long. Don't worry though, the rest will be in the next chapter! Enjoy!)

The puffy haired boy looked down at his feet as he walked with the older teenagers towards a door at the end of the hallway. There were heavily armed people everywhere, Boys and girls alike. All were different ages, Different sizes, and different colors. They all had on similar outfits and the same deathly glare the cotton haired boy knew all to well. The oldest teenager, Likuro, Seemed to glare back at all of them as he walked beside his sister Korietta and her best friend Demitrius. 

"What do you think they're going to do to us? Take our quirks? Keep us hostage for ransom? Make us their servants? Who knows what sick things they might do to us?" Demitrius said with a bit of venom in his voice.

 Likuro turned to Demi and signaled for him to be quiet. The group was already at the mercy of everybody in the facility, He didn't want to risk them dying at the hands of the villains with such sick minds that wandered around them. Korietta, Who wasn't always the strongest at heart, Clung to her brother and looked up at him with a few tears in her eyes.

"A-Are they gonna kill us, Likuro? I don't w-want to die. I want to see mom again at least." Korietta said with a shiver in her voice.

Likuro didn't look his sister in the eyes as he silently comforted her by wiping away her tears. The boy leading them clearly didn't like how hopeless the other teenagers sounded, So he quickly shook his head and covered his ears as to not listen to them. The boy felt as if he was going to cry if he listened to their conversation any longer. He absolutely hated how little it took for someone to give up after coming to a place like this.

He didn't have time to think about that however. After passing through the seemingly infinite hallway, They made it to the door. The cotton boy looked back at the teenagers and tried his best to sign instructions to the other three.                                                                            "Don't resist, Don't run or fight, Only speak when spoken too. It will be better for you in the long run. Do you all understand?"

The others nodded at the instructions. The cotton boy turned back to the door and opened it for everyone. The group of four walked in and the door closed behind them.

Inside of the room was a  large office with windows, A desk, A few chairs and photos on the walls with children and their parents. On the center wall was a family of three which included a man with dark blue hair and a tuxedo, A woman with hot pink hair and a black gown along with a girl in the middle of the two adults with magenta hair and an indigo dress.

Sitting behind that desk seemed to be the man from the photo along with the woman. There were five others beside the couple, All with different colors of hair and outfits. Magenta, Royal purple, Light blue, and red mixed with magenta eyes seemed to be the color scheme. Korietta, Demitrius and Likuro didn't get any good vibes from anybody in the room.

"Thank you for escorting them here, Maikunzi. They weren't too much trouble were they?" The man spoke.

The cotton haired boy, Maikunzi, Nodded and dusted off his hospital gown. The blue haired man in the seat gave a nod of approval and moved his hand to signal for Maikunzi to come over to him. Without hesitation, He rushed over and sat next to the hot pink haired woman who gave him a pat on the head and a tiny whisper which made him smile. The dark blue hair man got up from his seat and looked down at the group. Even Likuro felt like an ant under his gaze. They all looked terrified.

"My crew did well getting you back here in one piece. Not a single scratch on you I see." The blue haired man said.

Korietta felt tears come down her face as the man spoke. His voice was deep and threatening, It scared her intensely. Likuro looked down at his sister and couldn't help but feel terrible for her. He gently wiped her tears and looked towards the man. His voice was nowhere near as threatening as the man's, But it was considerably deep at his age.

"Who are you? What do you and your team want from us?" Likuro said with the bravest voice he could muster.

The other people in the room stared daggers at the three teenagers as if they had committed the most terrible of crimes against them. The second tallest with the purple hair and blue eyes seemed to be reaching for something in her pocket. But, She was swiftly stopped by the man and told something quietly. She nodded as she cleared her throat.

"It is recommended you say nothing out of line. Wait until my lord or his family asks you to speak. You're lucky he's feeling generous enough to actually answer your questions." The purple haired girl said with a serious yet snarky voice.

The group nodded as they huddled together out of fear. The man chuckled and gave a pat on the shoulder to the purple haired girl. You could see a slight smile on her face while the other girl beside her with magenta hair rolled her eyes.

"Now," The man started. "What exactly were your questions again?"

Likuro couldn't find many words at this point. He wasn't visibly showing it but he was terrified. Demitrius, With absolutely no common sense whatsoever, Looked at the man and crossed his arms.

"He asked who you were and why you brought us here." Demitrius said with his voice raised slightly.

The man smirked at Demitrius' confidence. At least he assumed it was confidence. If it was stupidity then it would be even funnier, But the man tried not to think that was about most of his subjects.

"Well to cover your first question, Simply refer to me as Mr. Saphira. You need to know nothing about my full name at this moment." The man answered.

The gang nodded at the man named Mr. Saphira. Likuro seemed to get some of his strength back while Korietta stopped crying and looked at Demitrius with a bit of worry in her eyes. She had never been so scared in her life.

"As for what you're here for. I thought it would be quite obvious." Mr. Saphira said with a giggle. "You're here because of your quirks and those little flaws of yours."

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