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10 years ago...

Pete POV

"When you're an adult, you can live with us here. You want to live in this house, right?" the man I usually call Mr. Karn asked me.

I turned to look at my father who was standing behind Mr. Karn for his approval. My father nodded. I looked back at Mr. Karn.

"Yes sir." I answered him.

"Good boy." said Mr. Karn while rubbing my head.

I still keep my head down. I didn't dare to look Mr. Karn in his eyes. It's not because I'm afraid of him, but because I have great respect for him. Mr. Karn is my father's boss and my father works as the head of the bodyguard as well as a special bodyguard for Mr. Karn.

I don't know the business Mr. Karn owns and how much money he has to employ more than fifty bodyguards and housekeepers. But for sure, Mr. Karn is a very kind person. He treats his workers very well and even supports the entire family of his workers without any compensation, including myself. All my living expenses and school fees in the village are financed by Mr. Karn.

"Macau loves you very much. I hope that when you grow up, you can take care of Macau and Vegas too."

"Yes sir." I nodded again.

Ahh, I suddenly thought of Macau, Mr. Karn's second son. Macau is the second best person in this house after Mr. Karn. He's a good boy. Even though we are 5 years apart in age, but every time I come to this house, I always play with Macau. Macau never thought of me as the son of his father's bodyguard. He always treats me as a 'Phi' who he really cares about. Maybe because he doesn't get the love and attention of his biological 'Phi', Vegas.

I suddenly remembered about Vegas and my promise to Mr. Karn just now that I would look after Vegas too. If I had the choice, I'd rather be Macau's 24-hour bodyguard than follow Vegas for even a second.

Vegas is the most arrogant human I have ever met on this earth. Even all the guards and workers in this house did not like him. Vegas always does what he wants and he's a very bossy man. Whatever he wants must be obeyed immediately, if not, then all the goods in this house will be destroyed and of course along with the people.

In this house, there is nothing that Vegas fears more than Mr. Karn. Unfortunately, no one dared to complain about Vegas' behavior to Mr. Karn because, if Vegas was punished by Mr. Karn, then all of his bodyguards would be victims of Vegas' anger. Macau is the only person in this house who dares to go up against Vegas and complain about his actions to Mr. Karn. So, if you want to live safely in this house you should either stay quiet or you are close to Macau so Vegas won't dare to treat you badly.

"Phi Pete, Phi where are you going? Phi don't go. Phi must stay in this house. Phi must always be with Macau." Macau, who came from nowhere, already ran over and hugged me while sobbing.

"Phi is going back to the village." I answered briefly while rubbing Macau's shoulder to make him stop crying.

Macau shook his head in my arms. "No. Phi can't go home. Phi has to stay here. Stay with me."

"Macau, don't be a crybaby. Phi will come back later. When he grows up, Phi Pete will live in this house with us. Phi Pete has to finish school first in the village." Mr. Karn pulled Macau from my arms and tried to comfort him.

"Pa, can't Phi Pete just move here and study in Bangkok. Phi Pete can go to Phi Vegas school." Ask Macau.

"Are you crazy, Macau?" I don't know how long Vegas has been in this room. We all turned towards Vegas. "I don't want to go to the same school with this poor kid. Where is my pride when people know I'm going to school with the child of my father's bodyguard?"

"Vegas. Keep your mouth shut or I'll punish you." Mr. Karn snapped. I saw a glint of anger on Mr. Karn's face.

"Let's see what I do if Pa transfers Pete to go to school with me." Threaten Vegas before leaving this room.

Mr. Karn sighed. "Sorry for what Vegas just said. I hope you're not mad at him."

I shook my head. "I'm not angry sir. What Mr. Vegas said is true." I answered modestly.Mr. Karn shook his head.

"No Pete. I have treated you like my own son. Actually, I wanted to move you to Bangkok right now, but it was your father's request that you could spend your teenage years in the village and come here when you are all grown up and ready." Mr. Karn explained.

I looked at my father. He just smiled a little at me. I am very grateful to my father. I know this decision is for my future. He definitely wants me to enjoy my youth before I move to Bangkok and devote myself to Mr Karn's family.

Tell Me that You Loved Me (Vegas x Pete fanfic) English Vers. *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now