Thanks for Reading

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i literally cannot proofread my own work

my god the typos i have found after publishing chapters- how have you made it this far i-
the raging embarrassment is indescribable

i am so sorry you had to endure my inability to PROOFREAD my own shit

i will reread this whole thing at some point and try to fix the typos
probably will miss loads
very sorry in advance

But that aside, I really hope you enjoyed!!

This was really fun to write, even though it did get wayyyyy longer than I intended it to be 😅😅
But hey, I think to make it any shorter would have been leaving stuff out. Let me know if you found chapters too long/ would prefer them to be more broken up. I didn't want there to be like 500 parts to this story so I think some chapters maybe had a little too much going on where I just streeeeeeeetched that word-count as much as I could.
But hey, if you're reading this note then the story was readable, which is always a win for me (the Queen of ✨typographical errors✨ and 💕shitty writing 💕)
👑 😀

In all seriousness, thanks so much for reading and being patient with the updates. Just want to apologise one more time if you're on of the people that literally had to wait a year for this... it really did get a bit out of hand lol
Hope you enjoyed it in the end ❤️❤️❤️

And regarding other stuff...

If you like these characters and would want to read more misadventures with them, I just started posting the continuation. Yay :)
You can find it on my account. I think it's my favourite so far and definitely the longest...

There's another story on my account that I've just finished with these same characters. It's just a (relatively) short side-story that fills in some gaps with stuff from these two stories, such as... 👀
- A lot of stuff I left out about moody Rosin
- Some Wren backstory 
- A certain character that a lot of people really really don't like... and what went on between him and a certain scout... :(
- Some smoll bb Azure and Aspen

Everything aside from the Aspen/Sam stuff was really fun to write honestly 😂
But yh those chapters hurt me

So yeah, check them out if you have nothing else to do :)

Last thing before I go :)
Just want to shoutout @EidolonArmy96
Their comments literally gave me life. Always hilarious/ sweet/ controversial. I'm still traumatised by the Sam-Ronnie shipping implication 🤣🤣 Loved seeing the new abusive nicknames towards Sam and Mike. If you haven't already, make sure to check out their reactions to some of the chapters. Made my day every time I posted.

Anyway, until the next story, that's The End.

I'm off to proofread these silly stories now. See you at the next typo ❤️
Leave your requests and thanks so much for reading!!!

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