20- Saving

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Get her friend back. That's all you have to do. What if you were in her position? What if you were the one asking her for help? Ain't difficult to help someone, is it? Look at her— you expecting her to do this all by herself? No. Come on, don't be a baby, you have to do this. Okay? Okay. Get him back.

My mind was racing, heart beating. This was happening. Whether I was ready or not, this was happening.
"You sure you'll be okay, Lyn?" I asked, looking down at the pair of small people now perched in my hands. It had taken Azure a full minute to convince Rosin to do so much as consider letting me touch her, but after the girl had muttered something I didn't hear, Rosin seemed to give in. Reluctantly, the small woman had let me pick her up. Now, her and Lyn were looking down at the big pocket at the front of my hoodie. Their anxiety was more than obvious.

Lyn let out a small breath without looking away from it.
"I'll be alright." She insisted, though her voice was shaky. Pockets were still triggers to her claustrophobic fears... but both her and me knew that she didn't have much of a choice. I couldn't risk letting anybody see these tiny people, could I? And with the bustle of the city, holding them in my hands could easily go wrong. I could drop them if somebody bumped into me, hurt them by pressing my hands too tight, lose them... oh, the list went on and on. No way was I carrying them around.

"You don't like pockets?" Rosin turned to my friend. Her usual confidence was all but gone. Maybe knowing that Lyn was nervous too made her feel better.
Lyn looked at Rosin and managed an uneven laugh, "Not really."
To that, the pink Winged only glowered. "Me neither." the sound was full of contempt.
But there was no other option. They both knew it, so there were no more objections.

Azure hovered beside me, her wings fluttering in and out and sweeping through the air. Aside from a few glances, I tried to keep my eyes off her. But that was easier said than done. It was just so cool... there was actually a girl flying next to my face. She'd slap me if she could read my thoughts, especially given the circumstances— her friend was in serious need of help and I was staring at her— but I couldn't help it. I'd never get used to watching a tiny person fly next to my face. Never.

"It won't be for long..." Azure frowned at Rosin's discomfort at being put in my pocket, "And it's for a good reason."
"Don't lecture me, Azure." She fired back. That was followed by a flinch on her part. A moment later, with a quieter tone, Rosin mumbled, "Let's just get this over and done with."
That was as good an invitation I was going to get.
Slow as I could, I slipped my open hand into the grey fabric of my jumper. I could feel the small weight I knew was Lyn go completely still the moment I carried her inside.
"Lyn?" I called and gently touched her with a single finger. I felt a reassuring pressure touch my fingertip in return.
"I'm alright," her muffled voice came out. Brave, I thought, brimming with affection for her. I decided it was better not to ask Rosin how she felt about being in a human's pocket. I probably already knew the answer. So, without another word, I eased my hand into an angle until the two of them slipped off. The pocket covered the whole front of my hoodie; there was no zip to break it up. The two of them would be warm and safe in there. So long as they kept calm, there was nothing for the two girls to be scared of.

With Rosin and Lyn tucked in my pocket, there was nothing stopping us from leaving our little secret space in the bushes.

"Azure?" I now turned to the red that was hovering beside me. She didn't waste a second in replying.
"I'm ready," she nodded, "You can follow me, can't you?"
That should be easy enough given how noticeable she was. I nodded, "You be careful, aight?" I tsked at my own voice, "Alright? Just because you're with me don't mean this ain't dangerous. People might notice what you are." I glanced at her wings and red hair.
The girl gave me a contemptuous look and repeated, "What I am?" Blue eyes scowled, "Sorry I'm not human like you."
I groaned, "You know what I meant. Just be careful." Had the circumstances been different, I would have been more annoyed by her retort. But how could I be angry with her? God knows she had a right to be short-tempered at the moment. The pallor of her skin was only one sign of her exhaustion. She just wanted her friend back after all.

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