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-next morning-

"Peanut wake up" y/n slowly rubs Eliots back in attempt to wake him up "I set your clothes out for your first day of school"

"School today?" Eliot mumbles as he stretches and slowly but surely starts to walk up

"Yes, and I'll get you waffles if you hurry and get up now " y/n offers, wiggling her brows

"ok!" Eliot shoots up off the bed extremely excited "can I get a chocolate chip waffle??" Eliot pauses and look at his mom, hope filled eyes. Eyes y/n has trouble saying no to

"Of course" y/n winks. She walks out of the bedroom and makes her way to the kitchen to get herself some coffee

"Van a salir a desayunar?" Mom asks y/n, making it beyond obvious she was listening in to the conversation

"Just making sure he won't feel too nervous or scared. First days can be stressful" y/n pours herself a second cup of coffee

"slow down on the coffee there mija" mom takes the coffee pot from y/n and places it back where it belongs.

As y/n waits for Eliot to be ready for school, her mom talk about how the house hunting is going. Mom assures y/n that everything is n track and she shows her the two brochures for the homes she thinks are best at the moment. Y/n spends a few minutes reading all the details about the house and thinking if either is the best choice or if they should keep looking

A note to be taken is that house hunting is stressful.

"Any other house? Both are nice but I'm not quite sure I want to be fighting with neighbors over shared parking spaces" y/n says as you looks down the hall and into the bathroom making sure Eliot is getting ready, which he was. He was brushing his teeth and standing on his little stool which the sight of that made y/n's heart warm. It's always the little things that he does.

"Another house but it's a further back, I don't know that you'll like the commute. A one hour drive from the station down to that house" mom says as she digs through her bag "It also has four rooms and 3 baths" she then adds as she hands y/n the brochure

"How about you make the pick and in order to not complicate things we can move after the year if we aren't too fond of the home"

"Mommy I'm done!!!!" Eliot comes running down the hall, excited.

"Well then let's get going" y/n smiles and grabs her backpack and Eliot's backpack from the couch "bye mom, we'll be back later" y/n opens the door and ushers Eliot out

"bye grandma!" Eliot yells as he runs into the hall

"be safe!"

-at school-

"Hi! I'm Elizabet Johnson, I'll be Eliot's teacher this year" Ms. Johnson introduces herself to y/n, she also extends her hand and offers it to y/n

Y/n kindly takes it and introduce herself "I'm y/n y/l/n and this little peanut is Eliot of course" y/n steps aside so Ms. Johnson can see Eliot who was hiding behind her legs

"Well hi buddy, there are some kids over by the games if you would like to go play with them. And mom! Feel free to connect with the parents and stick around for a while" Ms. Johnson directs Eliot to the kids and then makes her way to other parents entering and exploring the room with their kids

"Thank you" Eliot giggles as he runs over to the kids.

Y/n just follows behind him and finds a spot near a window where she could lean on and watch her son. She stood there for a while, taking pictures of Eliot making friends and feeling proud of her baby for not being too scared. Of course her moments of joy had to be ruined, she could feel someone next to her wanting to make conversation which unlike Eliot, she dreaded interacting with people.

Eliot definitely took after his father.

"Lonely I see"

"at the moment" y/n responds in a very dry tone. She hoped that by her tone he took the hint she was not interested in any form of conversation or interaction.

When he doesn't respond y/n is relieved but like her joy, that wasn't long lived

"no ring on your finger, you're not married?" He is quick to point out, also getting way too close for y/n's liking

"I only date women" y/n chuckles "just so you take the hint and stop wasting your time here"

"Are you sure? I can always show you what you're missing. Let me take care of you darling" the man says as he once again steps closer to y/n

Am I sure? What kind of ass asks that

"You have a ring on your finger and you have a child here. I don't think your wife would appreciate that much" y/n makes one last attempt to get away from him by walking over to Eliot

"Hey peanut, I'm going to head to work now. Have fun and remember to be respectful" y/n reminds Eliot

"ok mommy! Look at my new friend! His name is Angelo... it's like angel but with an extra letter!" Eliot points at Angelos name tag and the observation he made

"my mommy also calls me peanut" Angelo giggles.

"oh really? Well only the cutest little boys in the planet get called peanut" y/n teases as she scoots over a little, just enough to where she can reach over to tickle Angelo.

That's the cutes laugh.

"see you later boys! I'll bring back some stickers for you all" y/n kisses both kids foreheads and heads out

On the way to her car y/n spot the creepy man by the door of what one would guess is his car, which so happens to be near y/n's car

"Darling, here's my card if you're interested" he says as he hands y/n a card and enters his car and drives away right away.

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On the small drive over to the station y/n receives a call from Police chief Rogers over at the LAPD where she used to work.

-phone call-
Y- y/l/n speaking
R- it's Rogers
Y- How's it going?
R- it's going really good! I just wanted to let you know that the board has requested that we fly you out for the 11th, 12th, and 13th
Y- why is that? Am I in trouble?
R- not in trouble, they just would like for you to attend the award personally, so they said the 11th for you to mentally prepare. The 12th is the awards and then the 13th is for you to finish out some paperwork that you left here
Y- I have unfinished paperwork?!
R- no but it would be nice for you to hang around, Melissa is having her bachelorette but you know you can't drink so she said you could always just party with the strippers
Y- oh god, well I could definitely do the 11th and the 12th but I'm not sure about the 13th
R- you could always just watch the games with me and the boys, I know you enjoy doing that. Or we could arrange a guys day out and we could golf
Y- Rogers that would be nice if I was a 50 year old white man planning to retire soon
R- oh well for fucks sake just come down here
Y- fine then, I'll see what I can do.
-call ends-

[AN]I know you're really only reading for Adele and you but you do need some back ground on your life and how it is that you met Adele! Be patient with me :D

Word count: 1329

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