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Several activities were played on the bus as the hours went by. They played I spy, the kids shared their favorite snacks and y/n an Adele caught up some more. Everyone napped, they watched movies that were available on the bus tv. They did everything to keep the kids entertained, which was luckily working.

When they got to the rental where they would be staying, they put the girls in the upstairs bedrooms and the boys in the downstairs bedrooms. Then Adele ordered some pizza for lunch and everyone sat around the living room eating and watching yet another movie

"Ordering pizza was a great idea" Elizabeth joins Adele and y/n who were at the island watching over the kids

"They want to have a Taylor Swift dance party next" Y/n laughs

"No Adele dance party?"

"No offense but your music isn't exactly dance-able" Elizabeth looks at y/n and they burst out laughing


"Who's making breakfast?" Y/n joins Liz and Adele in the kitchen

"I told the kids I would make them waffles if they behaved on the bus ride here"

"Then I will make some bacon to go with"

Liz sets her coffee mug down and looks between Adele and y/n, she could definitely tell there was something there

"I will set the table and set drinks out"

As they made breakfast, the kids slowly started to wander into the common areas. Already laughing and giggling at the kids show Liz had put on.

"I want my mom" a little girl enters the kitchen and tugs at the end of y/n's shirt

"oh honey" y/n places her oven mitts aside and she picks up the little girl "do you miss your mommy?"

"yes, I want to go see mommy"

"how about I make you this deal. I will give you my iPad so you can call mommy before we get breakfast started?"

Immediately the little girl lights up and she hugs y/n as tight as she could. She nods yes and kisses y/n's cheek. Y/n gets the call going and then sends off the little girl to the living room so she could finish making breakfast.

"You're great with kids"

"Thank you" y/n looks a around before deciding to place a quick kiss on Adele's cheek

If I wasn't leaning on the counter, the weakness is my knees would've caused me to fall


"I finally got the last of my kids ready" y/n enters the shared bathroom with Adele, hair products in hand

"I've been meaning to ask you, how the rest of your New York stay?"

"It was great! I caught up with some family that was vacationing there. Then I met up with an old friend"

When they say jealousy is a green eyed monster,  Adele was not expecting it to be quite literal. Jealousy is the green eyed woman staring back at her in the mirror

Word count: 497

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