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"That was the first I met my mothers boyfriend" y/n says as she's servers 3 plates of food, one for each "Also the first time I heard of him"

Adele takes a seat on the stool and she watches y/n closely "Are we going to finish the conversation you avoided in the car"

"You've been on my mind as well. It's been impossible to stop thinking about you" y/n places a plate in front of Adele "but we agreed to a strictly platonic relationship"

More silence

"Eliot, buddy, come eat!"

They ate in silence as Eliot talked and talked. Adele knew that he got that from y/n who loves to talk. Well she loved to talk about everything but their relationship or what could be a relationship.

"May I be excused?" Eliot shows his plate to his mom who nods in approval.

As soon as Eliot is out of sight, y/n turns to Adele "What about a date? We start slow and see how things go from there"

Adele smiles and so does y/n. That was a clear yes so y/n continues talking and planning. They agree to a casual and comfortable dinner at y/n's house the following day and then y/n shows Adele around the house, a proper tour of the place. They start downstairs, the playroom that holds all of y/n's childhood trophies and the one Eliot was starting to rack up. Adele looks at every single picture hung up, all of them with y/m/n, y/n and Eliot. In the playroom she remembers seeing the pictures of y/n pregnant with Eliot, her pregnancy looked effortless but y/n quickly proved her otherwise.

"What about your room?"

Y/n laughs and she points to the staircase behind them "why would you need to know where it is?"

"Incase I cant sleep, I'll know where to go"

"Fine. Let's go" Y/n grabs Adele's hand and she leads her up to her bedroom "On my floor i have access to the roof terrace, my office, a hot tub and of course my bedroom"

"How did you find such an amazing property"


"Mommy?" Eliot enters y/n's upstairs living room "Grandma is back home"

"Well thank you for letting me know, pretty boy. It's bath time so go and pick out some pajamas. I'll be right there"

Eliot runs away excitedly and y/n looks down at her watch, there is no way she spent the better half of 3 hours cuddling with Adele.

"It's pretty late, why don't you stay?" Y/n looks up at Adele and smiles

"That sound like a good idea"

Y/n stands and she stretched "Make yourself at home" she then leans down and places a kiss on a Adele's soft lips

"mmm" Adele responds "i thought you didn't kiss till the third date"

Y/n laughs and gives Adele another kiss, this time on her forehead "I think we are way past that, don't you think?"


So Adele is spending the night. Y/n has never had a girlfriend, or alone for that matter, spend the night in her home. She hasn't even dated since her only other ex-girlfriend. Adele spending the night was a pretty big deal and things seemed good, too good to be true. That is the only thing that worried her.

Once she's done bathing Eliot, she tucks him in and then makes her way back to her room. Slowly. She wasn't sure what to feel. She wasn't sure letting Adele spend the night was the right decision but it was too late to back out now.

"Im coming in" Y/n says as she slowly opens the door "you decent?"

"I'm decent"

"Im just going to grab a change of clothes" Y/n heads straight for the closet

"Stay. It's your room... join me"

Y/n stopped for a second. Would it really be the worst thing in the world to share a bed with Adele? Technically they have already slept together which means that many steps were skipped, this should be nothing.

"Yeah, alright" Y/n pokes her head out of the closet and smiles at Adele


It was four in the morning when Adele woke up. Well, she was woken up by y/n falling.

"Are you alright?" Adele asks groggily

"Mhm" Y/n stands "I was trying not to wake you so I kept the light off"

"Where are you going?" Adele looks over and chuckles at y/n's attempt

"On a run. Go back to sleep, you'll be woken up later by Eliot wanting to watch TV so beware" y/n explains. She leans over and places a kiss on Adeles cheek before heading out

word count: 798

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