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Bucky is no stranger to hiding.

He spent what he'd consider, a large fraction of his life in shadows, dilapidated structures, and dreary apartments.

And though years ago, if you asked, he would say that his only wish is one day to stop running, those experiences serve as training for this precise moment.

"Sergeant Barnes, the team is looking for you."

"Not now, FRIDAY," he mumbles, back pressed against the cool wall.

"They insist it's urgent."

"Pretty sure it's fuckin' not." When the coast is clear he steps into the room, eyes still gauging his surroundings to make sure no one sneaks up on him. "Just tell 'em I'm not home-- and keep the volume down, would ya?"


Weekends don't really serve as a break since their unusual job has them working unusual hours. It's 9pm and he's already successfully avoided them for most of the day, slipping out of his room only when he knows neither of them are around. If he's careful, then maybe he can stay away for the next two hours until it was absolutely nece-

In a second, the hair on his neck stands upright. His senses kick into high alert, but he doesn't turn around.

"Hey there, James."

He should have known she'd find a way.

"Natasha," he replies stiffly, nonchalantly making his way to the fridge.

She pushes it shut with one hand before he gets the chance to open it fully. "You've got everyone all worked up."

"Have I?" He keeps his breath composed, only looking at the top of the fridge in slight exasperation. "Didn't notice."

"I doubt you would. You've been MIA all day." She props herself onto the kitchen counter with ease, leaning her weight against her palms. "Why is that?"

"You don't need me to tell you why, Nat." He makes an attempt to open the fridge again since her hands seemed occupied. She doesn't stop him.

"I don't," she concedes, "but that doesn't mean I won't ask."

"Can't invite me if you don't see me." He grabs Sam's cranberry juice, the one he keeps as a backup for when he ran out of his usual orange juice. Bucky would know, he was the one who usually finished it.

"Invite you to what?" Nat raises an eyebrow.

He looks at her wryly. "Whatever gala Tony's hosting."

"What makes you think there's a gala?"

Harmless (Bucky Barnes)Where stories live. Discover now