Chapter 5: Half Moon

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"Come on," said Daisy, pushing back the vines covering The cave. "The Mermaid Realm is nice. Mermaids are one of the only good mythical species."

"What, Are there bad kinds of mythical species?" I asked. 

Daisy walked into the cave. 

"Well, Eidolons, Sirens, Fairies-"

"How are Fairies Bad?" I asked, slowly following Daisy into the Cave. 

Daisy shot a glare at me. Or, at least I think it was a glare. You can Never really tell when you're in a cave.

"Fairies are Different depending on the different legends you believe," Said Daisy. "Most Fairies I've met don't like most guys, so they eat them. or they chase them off the face of the earth. whichever comes first. Other than that, they eat the ill-minded. Fairies are the most revengeful creatures there are. You make a wrong impression, and they'll stick with that impression until the end of time. Even worse is, they only have one weakness. Other than that, they're immortal."

"So what's their weakness?" I asked. "IS it like some magical herb?"

"No, Actually, It's a human-made product," Said Daisy. "I believe you call it, 'Diet Coke.' Nasty stuff, alright."

I snorted, Almost breaking out in laughter. 

"You're Afraid of Diet Coke? But it's like, One of the best drinks on the face of the earth!" I said. 

Daisy shot me a death glare. Or like again, I could only see her glowing yellow eyes. 

That seemed to be the end of our conversation. 

I followed Daisy around for what seemed like two hours, But she wasn't slowing down anytime soon.

"Here we are," said Daisy, stopping at a dead end in the cave. "This is the entrance to the Merfolk Realm."

I walked next to Daisy. I was covered in mud, vines, palm tree leaves, dust, sand, seashells (Don't ask), Fur, Bark, and clay.  The supposed 'Realm' was just a pool of water. A Blue shinning pool of water, revealing writing on the walls. 

"How do we get in?" I asked. But before Daisy answered, she had done a cannonball jump into the glowing pool. 

Daisy popped her head above the surface. 

"Just get in, And follow me. Since you're a human, you might feel your spine warping as you go down."

I stuck my toe into the water. It was warm. very warm, but not like boiling-hot warm, just warm. I lowered myself into the water. I opened my eyes under the water, but surprisingly, It didn't sting. It felt the same as opening my eyes above the surface. The pool was bigger than I thought, with a tunnel connected in front of me, and everything had a somewhat blue tint. Daisy ushers toward the tunnel, and I follow. I wasn't that great of a swimmer, so I fell behind a little. I was surprised I wasn't running out of breath, but when I looked down, I saw I had a fully-grown tail. It looked Bluish-gold. Like moss on gold, with hints of Silver, And Pointy blue fins on the end and down the side of my tail. Then I noticed, Daisy also had a tail. A Rose-Gold with the same fin design as me. 

Soon enough, We reached a giant coral reef. When Me and Daisy escaped the water, I finally got to see the mermaid realm. 

The Mermaid Realm was Impressive. It was a cave, With almost all of the light coming from a small hole at the end of the cave. The Merfolk seemed pretty surprised when Two new Teenage-Merfolk came out of a tunnel. They Stared at us. They Didn't look like any Mermaids I've ever seen, Not Like the Little Mermaid. They seemed possibly- Beautifier than that. They All had a Unique look about them. Nobody had the same skin tone, hair color, eye color, or tail color. 

"Visitors!" Shouted a Female Mermaid (With a Very strong French Accent) With Short Frizzy Blonde hair and Silver-and-Yellow tail. 

   A Male Mermaid Swam Up to me. 

"Lennox Merson. Welcome to Our Realm," He said, Holding out his hand.

I shook his hand."Hi, Lennox. I'm-."

"Tom Nguyen."

I Looked at him strangely. 

"How Did you Know?" I said, Taking my hand back.

"It's my gift," He said. "Every single mermaid has one, And Who's the Girl?"

Daisy shook his hand. "Daisy Laferu," She said, Smiling. 

"Did I hear Daisy Laferu is Back?" Said A voice. 

A Female African-American Mermaid Emerged from the water. She was obviously the prettiest one there, She had Lavender eyes, Bald head, A crown, and a Purple-Gold Tail, with a sort of fluorescent skirt around her waist. She grabbed Daisy with a tight hug. 

"Aunt Daphna," said Daisy, Hugging her back.

"I'm so Happy you came to visit, Here, Let's get you and Tom some Kelp Tea." said Daphna. There was something that seemed friendly about her. It reminded me of my mom."Lennox, Why don't you show Tom around the place. I need to catch up with my niece."

She and Daisy swam off to the rocks by the hole, leaving me and Lennox alone. By now, Everyone went back to doing other things. I forgot to Explain Lennox (Sorry!) He had Dark skin, Red Eyes, and black hair, A Green-Gold Tail, and he was carrying a trident. 

"Come on," He said. "I'll show you the Volleyball court. You do play volleyball, Right?"

I nodded. 

Lennox dived back Again into the water, and I followed him.   

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