Chapter 3

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Shane's P.O.V.

I wake up to the smell of bacon infiltrating my nostrils. I sit up and realize that im not in my room, im in Alyson's. I take in the room and see that the bed is empty. I get up and head down the stairs to see her fully dressed for school and cooking.

She is wearing black & white vertical stripped shorts, black tube top, red blazer, and red strapped wedges. I dont think she knows im here, so I sneak up on her . I wrap my arms around her waist and left her up in the air which gets a squeal out of her.

"Shane put me down I need to finish cooking."

"No you left the bed this morning I was so lonely" I said as I put on a pouty face.

"Please don't do that you look weird, plus we need to talk about us anyway"I look at her with a face of confusion and put her down. "What do you mean we need to talk about us."

She then turns back around and get the food off the stove. "Well I think we should tell people about us. I mean look at what happened at the party."

"You sure you want to tell everyone about us. Don't you think it is a little to soon. I mean the school year just started what will people think?"

"Well I thought you wanted to tell everyone before. Why the sudden change of heart." as she sat on the counter.

"I think if we told everyone we're together then I would be in a lot of fights. Because random guys at school would want to get with you." I say her starts to look sad and i know i going to give in and find a way to make her happy.

"Fine how about we tell our friends first then give it a month or two in the year then we'll tell everyone." Now she has a smile on her face and jumps off the counter and runs over to me. She give's me a kiss and gives me my food.

"Wait whoa if I didn't give you a good answer you would'nt give me my food."

"Maybe, but i got to go and get Lena from next door and go to school. You can finish up here and lock up ok." I nod and she give's me a quick peck on my cheek and walks out the door.

'God why. I didn't want tell anyone because,yeah, all the guys will still be after her but I can't let my dad find out about us. I know it sounds messed up but i can't let him know. He thinks i need someone up on his status so thats why he always sends me on random dates with his clients daughters.'

He'll never understand that I don't like them. I mean my mom knows there is something up with me. Plus the girls he sends me with are so dumb they can count their IQ on their hand.'

Alyson's P.O.V.

I walk in Lena's house and up the stairs to the first door on the left. I open the door to see Lena on the bed texting. She must not have noticed I walked in so i sneak up on her. I run and scream "Geronimo" and land on her.

"Oh my god Alyson you scared me. I could have had a heart attack" as she put her hand on her heart and felt it racing.

"Well maybe you shouldn't be so into your phone. That you didn't notice that I came in."

"Well sorry I was to busy talking to Nathan." she said with a huge grin on her face. 'wait does she like him'.

"Do you like him or something" as I get up sit on the bed.

"Well" as she looked away. "Wait no way I can't believe it. My two bestfriends together."

"Whoa there Alyson he hasn't told me he likes me. So lets not jump to conclusions" as she gets of the bed and walks over to the mirror.

"Ok then. Lets get a move on so we can get to school on time." I get up and go downstairs with Lena right on my tail. We get into my car.

"So when are you going to get a boyfriend Ally." as ahe turns on the radio and Taylor Swift's I Knew You Were Trouble was playing. "Here's the thing I kind of already have a boyfriend."

"What are you fucking kidding me. You had a boyfriend and you didn't tell me. how could you." she yelled "Who the hell is he Alyson or is it a she."

"Really Lena a girl are you serious."

"Well I don't know you've been keeping a lot of secrets lately."

"I'm sorry. But at least you know who he is already so it shouldn't be hard." I say really quitely. "Is it Kent." I hit the breaks and she gets choked by her seatbelt. I look at her like she is crazy.

"Hell no it's not Kent why would I go with him. He treated me shit all ninth grade year."

"Well then who is he. I want to know." as I started back up the car and began to drive to school again.

"It's ... it's .... it's Shane." she screams and starts to jumps up and down in her seat. "Oh he's sexy. Is he nice to you? You made a good choice."she said bombarding me with questions.

"Yeah he's nice. But here's the thing we've kinda been together for three years." she screams another blood curdling scream. "You've been together for three years and you didn't tell me. How could you keep that a secret so long."

"I don't know we just did and I'm sorry I didn't tell you." as I park the car. We get out and go inside the school. Then we see Nathan at our lockers leaning against them.

"Hey Nathan" me and Lena say at same time. "We still on for tomorrow night." I say.

"Yeah, I got to go by the way you nice today Lena." and then he wad gone.

"Ok talk to you later." as I watch his back disappear down the hallway.

"What's up with him." Lena says as she opens her locker.

"I don't know but what about me. Was I invisible or something. Maybe he only noticed you because he likes you." as I rub shoulders with her and she pushed me away.

"I don't know what your talking about Alyson."


Shane's P.O.V.

At Alyson's house .....

My phone was ringing I look down at it and see on the caller I.D. that it was Kent. I answer it "Hey Kent wats'sup."

"Don't whats up me where the hell are you" he yelled.

"Dude chill out i'm on my way. Plus you need to chill out because I have something important to tell you when I get there."

"What do you mean you have something to tell me."

"I'll tell you when I get there."

"Ok." I hung up the phone.Then I went around a couple of streets and I was at Kent's house. He came running out and got in the car.

"Hey so what is it you wanted to tell me."

Kent's P.O.V.

"Hey so what is it you wanted to tell me."I ask him a little curious about what he has to tell me.

"First what happened to your face." he asked. Damn this was Alyson's fault when she punched me last night. I mean she was really mad last night about what I did but I thought she would go along with it. Though I thought wrong I just can't believe she knocked me out. I must have been really drunk.

"It's nothing man just tell me this thing that is so important. "

"You know Alyson right "bhe said. Yeah I know that bitch she is the one who gave me a black eye. I'll get her back if it is the last thing I do. Plus I'll get her to sleep with me so that will be a bonus.

"Yeah, you slept with her didn't you. I can't believe this."


"I can't believe she slept with you and not me."


"I mean seriously why you. That slut "

"Kent you dumbass she's my girlfriend." Shane yelled. You mean to tell me he got to her before me are you serious you got to be kidding me.

"Wait you two are together. When was this."

"We've been together for three years."

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