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~(6 Years later)~

Its been 6 years since the death of Shane and Alyson's mother. They cremated her then Alyson threw her ashes in the ocean. She didn't even cry at all during the whole thing but with Shane's funeral she manage to keep her crying to a minimal. Shane's father was glaring at Alyson which didn't go unnoticed by Landon who stood behind her watching and protecting her. She visits him when ever she needed time to be alone but she cant do that as much as she wants since she's 8 months pregnant with her first set of twins.

Ever since that day Landon and Alyson have been nothing but close and no ne or anything can break them apart. At the moment everyone is gathered at Landon and Alyson's backyard. All the guys are married with a kid on the way or already have on working on their second. Alec is the only one who is still out there playing the field. The wives are in the kitchen preparing side dishes while the guys are outside grilling and drinking beers.

They all relax and eat dinner then watch a movie on the side of the house. Everything was fine until Alyson felt a hard kick and then a contraction. She looks at Landon who is engrossed into the movie. She shake him and tells him that she thinks her water broke causing him to freak out something he hasn't down in years. She stands up and feels that her lap is wet and running down her legs confirming that is was time.The guys calm him done while the girls help Alyson in the car and get the stuff for the hospital ready.

Landon finally calms down and hurry to drive his wife to the hospital with everyone else who could come in a tow. He calls Alyson's dad and his on the way there to tell him that the baby is coming and that they would be there soon. They get to the hospital and Alyson is admittedly taken away and Landon not to far away. 16 hours later Landon and Alyson met their beautiful twin boys Evander Liam and Nolan Jonas. They had a light complexion with wild green eyes, their mother's mouth, and father's nose. Soon their family file in with balloons and stuffed animals to see the new additions to the family.

Everyone went home and the babies were put into their beds while Landon slept in the chair and Alyson slept in the bed. Landon later woke up in the middle of the night ending with him watching his new family sleep. He couldn't wait to get them home so they could see their room that there crazy mother and aunt Lena decorated. He laughs at the memory of them in the store picking out colors and how they kept bothering the store clerk. Then he was interrupted by the sound of giggling and gurgling. He walks over and see's that the babies are awake. He grabs their bottles and feeds them then entertains them until they go back to sleep he himself passes back out in the chair only to dream about his soon to come life.

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