Chapter 12

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Shane's P.O.V.

I was getting home from a good day at school when i noticed a note taped on my door. I grab it and it said 'If you think that her being gone for four year's is the end of things your wrong. I hope you had a good day cause everything is gonna come crashing down Shane. I wonder how your girlfriend feels if there was another girl in picture'

After reading that note i knew it was from Kent. He was gonna show Alyson of me from last summer and that's gonna ruin everything.


She continued to open the envelope and i watched as her face went from happy to sad. He was right everything is ruined, and i was the one to do it. Then i saw a tear slid down her face, and i knew i had broke her heart.

"What the hell is this Shane, why are you with another girl in bed?" she said looking at me with hurt eyes. "I can explain Alyson please " I plead. I walk over to her then she puts her hand up to stop me. "Please Shane just stop" As more tears run down her face. I back up knowing to let her have her space.

"I'm so sorry Alyson it was a mistake. I went to a party with Kent and I got wasted because i was depressed about you. He tried to cheer me up by bringing that girl up to me at the party so i could have fun and relax. I never meant for it to go that far Alyson I'm so sorry please forgive me." I say getting down on knees.

"I don't know how I'm supposed to forgive you, yes i understand that i was gone but couldn't you just wait that's all i asked for" she says looking down at me. "I know that Alyson and I'm sorry for it that's why I'm on my knees right now begging for forgiveness."

"I know, I can see that but can i ask you this, when were you going to tell me that this happened?" then i froze i knew that i was probably never gonna tell her. I noticed she pulled back shaking her head making me fall on my hands "See you didn't even plan on telling me, so how do i not know you wouldn't try it again. Who knows you could have tried to see how long you could make it last, so i could look like a fool."

I got up off the ground "Now you know i would never do that"

"How am i supposed to know that honestly i don't even want to look at you anymore Shane so just leave." She says while pushing me away. "I'm sorry Alyson please" i grab the hand she is using to push me away and pull her into my chest then i hug her tightly.

She tries to pull away but i wouldn't let go, i just hug her and she wouldn't even hug me back. I start saying I'm sorry over and over again. She shakes her head and i could feel her tears stain my shirt. I even started crying myself cause i know she is never gonna want to talk to me again. She was able to slip out of my arms and then she went into her house without saying a word.

I bang on the door yelling I'm sorry as it starts to rain. I fall to my knees "Please Alyson I'm so sorry please come back to me"

Alyson P.O.V

I lay in bed staring at ceiling, I could still hear Shane out there yelling for me. I am trying so hard not to go out there and take him back. He needs to go home he's going to get sick being out there in the rain.

Honestly i cant do this anymore just when i thought things were getting better. I feel sick to my stomach. I mean how could he do this to me?, but i mean what do you expect. What guy wouldn't cheat when there girlfriend is gone out the blue for about 2-3 years.

I just wish he would have done better but that's what i get for expecting to much out of people. God i can't do this anymore this is getting to hard. I need a break.

I call my dad "Hey dad i was wondering if i could stay home for a couple of days. Things aren't well right now and i just need a break."

"OK sweetie i'll call into school and tell them you'll be out but is there anything i can help you with. You know I'm always there for you no matter what."

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