Chapter Five - Mosquitoes

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By frog, how long has it been?

Anne wiped away tears, chuckling. It had to at least been a few hours now, and the rain hasn't stopped at all, and it didn't look like stopping for another five hours.

For a while, Marcy and Anne talked about random subjects, (mostly Anne talking about how cute Ivy and Sprig were,) and they sat suspiciously close to one another the entire time.

A faint buzzing was heard from far away, but the rain drained it out.

"Oh, yeah," Marcy suddenly said.


"Before I left, Sprig told me you were upset about something..?" Marcy's smile became a concerned frown.

"Oh, no," Anne put her hand on Marcy's shoulder reassuringly, "no, no, I had a headache, that's all."

"You could've told me, y'know," Marcy's frown remained, as they took Anne's hand in theirs. "I know plants that can help headaches. Is it still there?"

"No, it's gone now."

"Well, good, but tell me next time, alright?"

Anne nodded. She loved this about Marcy, their motherly concern for Anne. It made Anne feel... well, special, in a way.

"Do you hear that, or is it just me?" Marcy interrupted, pulling their hand away from Anne's.

"No-" Anne stopped. "Wait, yes,"

A buzzing could be heard from afar, but it grew louder an louder by the minute. 

"Oh frog," They said in sync. "Bugs."

Marcy and Anne panicked, trying to find a good hiding spot. "Anne, we're going to have to fight, there's nowhere to hide,"

Anne frantically nodded. If they weren't in such a panic, they probably could've realized they could hide about anywhere in a forest, but well, they were panicking.

Anne ripped a rather large twig off of a tree nearby, it was already semi sharp and could probably fend off the bugs for a little while.

Marcy had gone behind Anne, with their silver crossbow at the ready.


After waiting some time, a huge mosquito beast showed up. It crushed everything in it's path, scaring away smaller animals. It's lanky legs ran towards Marcy and Anne, screeching.

"Ready, Mar-Mar?"

"No, but let's go anyways!" Marcy smiled, and without hesitation shot at the mosquito. It ended up in the tangled fur of the beast, large yellow blood splatters stained the creature. 

It hissed, ramming itself into Marcy's side. Marcy yelped, and got knocked over. They yanked the bolt out of the mosquito and shot at it again, later taking cover beside a tree.

Anne ran up to it, (almost tripping on a stray bolt in the ground,) and jumped- 

I'm not going to make it- I'm not going to make it-

She heard a large ripping sound, almost like paper, and then realized there was yellow blood all over her shirt, and she was stabbing it in the back, impaling one of its wings. A large shriek came from the creature, and it ran around frantically, shaking Anne off. The stick snapped, leaving a smaller weapon for Anne to use.

Anne rolled straight into a tree trunk, and winced. 

It was heading straight for Marcy. Again, it's lanky legs ran fast- it's impaled wing dragging across the forest floor, getting even more damaged.

It pinned Marcy down, and they started to shake. Tears ran down the side of their face as they cried for Anne. They looked mortified. The mosquito raised its fatal blow, hissing in some triumph.

"MARCY, NO!" Sudden strength took over Anne's body, and she dashed to the mosquito. Another huge jump, Anne grimaced. She made the last one, she had to make this one, too.

Using the stick (Which was seemingly sharper now), she stuck it straight in the bugs eye, making it scream in pain and flop to the ground as it flailed its giant, lanky limbs in defeat. It twitched in defiance, trying to get up, but alas it took it's final breath and sighed.

 Anne's eyes glimmered as they stared straight at the beast, a faint, blue color showing itself.

"Marcy!" Anne yelled. "Are you okay?!"

"Y-yeah," They sighed. "I'm perfectly fine, although I might have ten concussions." They laughed, sniffling.

"Oh, Marcy," Anne frowned.

Marcy broke down. They tried to speak, but all that came out were muffled blubbers.

"Hey, hey," Anne sat down next to Marcy. "It's okay. Oh, Mar-Mar, please don't cry,"

Marcy tried to contain themself, but with no success, wrapped themself around Anne, crying into her shoulder.

Marcy tried to contain themself, but with no success, wrapped themself around Anne, crying into her shoulder

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