Chapter Two - Forest

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Marcy had just finished putting on their role play attire and was ready to go for a days adventure. 

But what to do...

Oh! They knew exactly what they should do.

Time to study plants of Amphibia! And maybe I can talk about them with Hop Pop later, he seems eager anytime.

As Marcy opened the door, the similar swamp smelling air filled their lungs. But unlike Anne, they actually enjoyed it. Marcy smiled at the thought of Anne, but their mind was quickly overflowed with what they should bring to study the plants.

"Oh, hi, Sprig!" Marcy said as they saw the pink frog boy hop around. "Seen Anne around lately?"

"Oh, yeah," Sprig skidded to a stop. "She seemed upset about something. Walked right into the forest." He frowned.

"Huh." Marcy huffed, thinking about what Anne could be upset about.

Maybe I'll run into her, and I can ask her or something. 

Marcy silently agreed with themself and waved goodbye to Sprig as they gathered their journal and went to walk into the forest.

The dirt path slowly faded into the dark, rich soil that housed the forests roots. A sign nearby had etched out, "Leaving Wartwood, dangers lie ahead."

Marcy brushed it off and continued to wander into the overgrown vegetation.

Even though it was only the middle of the day, the forest seemed darker, with its hooded overgrowth. Dew dripped from leaves and tall trees that must have been thousands of years old rustled in the fragile winds, and the flowers danced to the bugs and birds songs. Marcy walked through the peaceful environment, writing down their observations and humming along to the crickets nearby. 

They stopped at a particularly big mushroom, with a soft, pinkish red glow to it. Marcy gasped in awe, and sat down underneath it, sketching out every single detail of its trunk.

Hours went by as Marcy sat there, listening to the forest sounds and going through everything in their notebook, and sleep had been crawling up to them. Marcy let sleep wash over them as the sounds of the forest around them sung lullabies to them.

 Marcy let sleep wash over them as the sounds of the forest around them sung lullabies to them

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