Chapter 49- Let's go get Married

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Angie was finally ready and headed downstairs everyone looked speechless.

Angie “What do I look bad?”.

Violetta “No Angie. You look amazing”.

Angie “Thanks Vilu”.

Florence “Angie you look so beautiful”.

Angie “Thanks Flor”.

Chloe “We should all go get ready”.

Angie “Yes Cami and Fran go with Violetta to her room. Florence can get changed in my room. Chloe go in Herman’s and Grace go in Olga’s. Mom you can go in the spare room”. Everyone nodded and left.

…….Half an Hour Later…….

Grace and Chloe were the first ones to come down.

Angie “You look amazing”.

Chloe “Thanks. Come on Grace we need to go and get our hair and makeup done”.

Grace “Okay”.

Violetta then came downstairs with Fran and Cami. 

Angie “You guys look beautiful. Go and get your hair and makeup done”.

Florence then came downstairs. She was already she even had her hair and makeup done.  She had a plait in her with a bun at the side with a green flower.  All the bridesmaids would have their hair like that however Violetta’s would be curled with a green flower.

Angie “You look amazing Flor”.

Florence “Thanks Angie”.  

Then everyone else emerged they were all ready. Olga then came into the living room.

Olga “Right all the cars are here”.

Angie “Okay thanks Olga. Right mom you’re with me. Vilu you’re with Cami and Fran. Grace and Chloe you’re in the other car”.  Everyone headed to the cars. Angie stopped her Mom and Violetta.

Angie “I just wanted to say today wouldn’t be possible if I didn’t have you too in my life. I love you both so very much”.

Angelica “I love you too dear”.

Violetta “Love you too Angie. We better get going before Dad thinks you’ve left him standing at the altar”.

They all got in the car and headed to the lake.

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