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"i saved every letter you wrote me"

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"i saved every letter you wrote me"

SHIRO WALKED AWAY from the camp site, as she had refused to participate in the test of courage, forests and darkness never mixed well with her, she hated them both ever since she was younger

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SHIRO WALKED AWAY from the camp site, as she had refused to participate in the test of courage, forests and darkness never mixed well with her, she hated them both ever since she was younger. She walked around the campsite till she reached what looked like to be a secluded space up on a hill.

Seated on the edge was Kota, he looked to the girl who had suddenly appeared "HOW DID YOU FIND MY HIDEOUT?" she looks at the child with her signature blank face "I just wanted to get away from camp, I won't bother you" she waves the manga she was holding in the air "I'll stay away and read my manga"

Kota looks at the girl curiously "why are you not with the other wannabe heroes?" he scoffs but gets shocked as she softly laughs at him without a smile "yeah- wannabe heroes, I agree kid" she looks over at his shocked face "eh? ehhhhh aren't you one of them?" she laughs with a sad smile, the wind softly blowing through her red and white hair.

"Yeah.. yeah I guess I am" she looks over with a sad smile "But, honestly no one likes me there, I don't even think they notice i'm gone" she laughs while reading the next few panels on her manga.

"I'm at UA for my older brother, did ya know that? He wanted to be a hero, but- because of someone else he died before he could enter"

Kota gasps, death of family members was a familiar thing to him, the utmost sadness and longing that would fill your heart after you would realize that the next day they wouldn't be there anymore, no matter how many times you close your eyes and hope for it to be a dream-it wasn't-yeah that feeling was all too familiar. "that look on your face-" Kota looks back to the older girl who suddenly speaks, as she closes her manga looking at him with her cerulean blue eyes "-you've gone through the pain of loss too haven't you?" he slowly looks down on the forest below the cliff and nodded.

The girl hesitantly walked closer to him "Hey Kota, its ok to be sad and miss them, time doesn't heal all wounds after all, they only start hurting less" Kota starts to sniff as his tear ducts started to open, Shiro looks at him quietly "do you want a hug Kota?" the boy says nothing but leans into the older female's open arms, to which the latter enclosed him in her arms slowly letting him cry into her shoulder gently rubbing his back "there, there Kota, let it all out" the child cried even harder into her shoulder, the pain and emotions he had held in from his parents' death falling out in big fat tears.

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