Ch. 1 - Good Work. This was a Beta Test!

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lood slowly dripped down from the clouds that covered the sky. Just like a song, the eerie screams and shrieks rang loudly all over the place. A dying man shrieked next to him while a monster rushed in front of him with its horrendous mouth wide open.

"I'm so sick of these bastards!"

One man stepped hard on the ground as he mustered enough strength to slice the rushing monster in half. After the man cut off the monster, he quickly turned around and ran. He looked like he was running away from this gruesome battlefield as his comrades died one after another. However, everyone knew that this line of defense had long been lost.

"Retreat! Everyone retreat! Make sure to survive! Abandon the castle!"

The man shouted his order loudly. He screamed as best as he could hoping that they would all make a safe retreat. At the same time, he felt devastated and sorry that this was all that he could do for his subordinates. He was also saddened by the fact that this would be the last moments of his life.

It was disheartening that the ducal family that once fought for the position of the Empire's strongest was now on the verge of extinction. But what was more frustrating was the possibility that the entirety of the North would be occupied by monsters.

"I worked like a dog just for you to abandon me? You fucking trashes."

The problem was that he lacked talent. However, he disregarded that fact as he forcefully took the seat of the master of the ducal house. Even though he tried so hard to cover up his lacking talents with his personal connections, he was still used by those smart and tricky people. And in the end, he ended up like this.

"In the first place, I shouldn't have believed in reincarnation."

The memory of the bastard that led him here flashed in his head for a moment. However, it was only for a brief moment. He quickly erased the thought from his head. In a place like this where he couldn't even see an inch ahead of him, having miscellaneous thoughts was a surefire shortcut to his grave. Normally, something like this wouldn't even cross his mind but for some reason, there were lots of thoughts running in his head today.

"Will this place be my grave?"

The man smiled bitterly as he looked at the monsters surrounding him.

The walls of the castle were strong just like their title, the strongest family in the North. But the walls were useless from the monsters that rushed in like crazy dogs. Even the last bastion of the castle was not safe from their plundering.

"Hoo... This isn't my style."

It wasn't his style to sacrifice himself for the sake of others but he knew that his body had already been long spent. If that was the case, then he could just buy some time for his subordinates to run away. He thought that it was more than enough if he could at least bring them to safety.

The Duke's Eldest Son Escaped to the Military ⓘ(STOPPED)Where stories live. Discover now