Ch. 26 - High-nosed Owl (2)

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Someone just added this book into their yaoi reading list💀💀

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Anygays their is another book that I upload and it's not mine:

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"Starting today, you will all take a break from taking classes for a while."

The students gulped when they heard the words of the High Beast Theory professor.

"At the same time, we will be ending the basic martial arts that we have asked you to practice and train diligently."

The professor looked at the students gently before continuing his words.

"Today, we will be helping you reach the 3rd Stage faster. The process is extremely dangerous and painful so it will only be recommended to those who are willing to take this chance. Please raise your hands if you want to participate."

The professor nodded heavily when he saw that all of the students, without any exception, raised their hands to participate.

"Your mana circuit will be forcefully stimulated today. This process is extremely painful. So, those who want to quit halfway can always speak out. You also have to tell us if you feel like your body is rejecting the mana stone. This is a matter of life and death. Not speaking out might end with you losing your life so you have to speak the truth. Understand?"


The professor nodded his head in satisfaction after hearing the students' agreement.

"Then, let's move on to the special room now. It will be painful but you won't die so you don't have to be too nervous."


The professor took the lead after giving the students sufficient warnings.

However, even if the children were told not to be nervous, their faces were still covered with fear. It seemed like they were well aware of the pain that they would soon go through.

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