Ch. 18 - Lower Years' Ranking Battle (2)

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Number 3's sword strike had reached Jaiden in such an instant. But although her strike was extremely fast, Jaiden was still able to block it with a simple swing of his sword.

Jaiden's parry was just a simple downward swing but a huge shockwave burst out from the impact when their swords collided.

The 2nd Stage of a swordsman was a level that transcended the realm of ordinary humans. However, no matter how strong they were, no shockwave would be generated from the collision of swords between two 2nd Stage beings.


"They're already at that stage?"

Although faint, there was a dim blue haze that rose and surrounded the swords of Jaiden and number 3. The haze was incomplete and imperfect but it was an indication of their strength. This haze meant that they were now able to extend their mana out of their bodies.

The mana that they extended out of their bodies was dim and pitifully weak compared to someone who had stepped on the 3rd Stage and had fully expressed their mana but the mana was still there. This was no different from saying that their mana had already accumulated in their entire bodies.

"As expected... You have already formed it too."

This phenomenon was something that could only be achieved by those who had reached the pinnacle of the 2nd Stage.

"We only have a few months left... I have to break through to the 3rd year."

"Yeah. That's right."

Number 3 nodded her head to agree with Jaiden's words. Then she took a stance and continued to attack him.

There were dozens of sword lights flying all over the place. But the onlookers could only glimpse at the trajectory of the sword. Their strikes were so fast that the children in the area could only see their attacks briefly.

They were still not capable of producing afterimages of their swords with their simple strikes since they haven't reached the 3rd Stage yet. However, they were still able to mimic this phenomenon to some extent thanks to their monstrous speed and hazy mana.

'Galactic Meteor Swordsmanship?'

Jaiden's expression turned stiff as he continued to parry his opponent's sword. But even if he was distracted and thinking about the Godly Swordsmanship family's Galactic Meteor Swordsmanship he still continued to swing his sword.

He had been practicing the basic swordsmanship for quite a long time so his simple and basic swings had already achieved its most perfect form.

Each and every strike that he let out could parry and block number 3's wild and strong attacks.

'If it wasn't for Baepsae then doing something like this today will be hard.'

His mana circuit had expanded greatly thanks to Baepsae. The bird had always helped him recover his stamina and mana during his long and arduous training. And as a result, the amount of mana that he could build and store in his body had also increased greatly. Thanks to this, he was able to withstand the strikes that he was currently receiving from number 3.

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