Chapter 4: If it's for you

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Just as Cale asked him to do, the black dragon used up some of his remaining energy and teleported them both away from the swordsman. The dragon that his whole life has been locked in the prison of the mountain now destroyed, does not know much about the outside world so he teleported them to an unknown place.

Cale and the dragon fell onto the branches of a tree a few feet above the ground. Cale realized that they were not very far from where the fight had been since the fire could still be seen, there was a considerable distance, but if the fire spread fast it would be dangerous.

With great difficulty the badly wounded redhead takes the dragon in his arms and comes down from the tree. Cale's vision is blurry, but he feels like he can hold out longer without passing out, no, he knows he has to. If the power of his heart vitality were at his full capacity, Cale would be recovering faster but he would undoubtedly have passed out by now. That's why Cale doesn't care, if it means saving Raon he can bear the pain.

Slow and unsteady, Cale walks in the opposite direction to the fire, the dragon that he is carrying in his arms does not weigh a third of what his Raon usually weighs, this makes Cale lament bitterly. The pain of his injured arm, his pierced side and his broken ribs and bones force him to stop to rest, but he knows that he does not have much time, the fire is approaching and he fears for the state of the unconscious dragon, normally a dragon can recover from any kind of injury only with time, but the black dragon has used his life energy to enter berserker mode and free himself from the torment, if his energy runs out he will die.

On his way, Cale stumbles down a small cliff, hurting his aching body, but in his fall, he has well secured the dragon in his arms preventing him from hitting. However, Cale is not able to stand up from the blow and he has no choice but to stop for a moment, then he notices that the small body of the dragon does not move an inch so he panics and calls out to him.

- Dragon, can you hear me? I know you can talk; can you answer me?

- ...What a weak and noisy creature. Are you really a human?

Cale sighs in relief when the 4-year-old dragon responds and try stands up again to continue on his way. After an hour of walking slowly, it begins to rain, due to the rain the fire will not spread any more, but now they must seek shelter, luckily Cale remembers passing a cave not far from where he is.

Inside the cave, they both rest and Cale put the dragon on his lap, suddenly he notices that the dragon's body is getting cold by the minute and Cale's heart almost stopped.

- Dragon? Dragon can you hear me? Dragon?!...

When he receives no response, Cale calls the black dragon over and over as his voice and commotion increase, but he still gets no response.

- Come on dragon, answer ... please tell me something!

Desperate Cale picks up the dragon and holds it in his trembling arms. His eyes start to water and his voice starts to cut off. He then puts his forehead on the dragon and whispers in supplication.

- Please, please tell me something ... Raon ... hold on ...

Tears fall from Cale's cheeks to the dragon's obsidian scales. Then Cale hears a barely audible voice.

- Why are you crying human?

- Raon! ... Dragon, how are you feeling?!

- You are crying ... are you crying for me?

- I ... I promise to buy you apple pie ... and delicious steaks, as many as you want, just ... * sob *

- Why?... Am I important to you?

- You are, the most important thing I have. Please... don't... don't give up.

The little dragon raised his weak head to see the face of the person who was crying so disconsolately for him, he looked so battered and tired, he had blood, wounds and bruises everywhere, his lips were dry against his swollen eyes that would not stop crying.

The eyes of the little dragon also filled with tears, he, who was sure that he would die in loneliness and pain, had someone who cried for him. He felt happy about it, but seeing the heartbreak of this man clinging to him, he also felt sad for him.

The black dragon, certain that he would feel nothing more for humans than hatred and contempt, looked at this human with all kinds of strange sentiments he had never felt before. He really didn't want to give up, he doesn't know what that apple pie is, but he definitely wants to try it. Unfortunately, his eyes are so heavy and his limbs don't respond as he wants, but the dragon still struggles, he tries to gather the little energy he had left to keep his heart beating longer.

After a moment, the dragon feels that the man puts it on his lap again, then he takes out an object that has a viscous liquid inside, it is an ointment that he brought with him since he could not buy a healing potion and he spread it over on his scaly and damaged skin, the dragon feels how the burning of his wounds diminishes and the pain becomes more tolerable, in addition this person's hand is so warm and treats him with as much affection as no one else has ever done, the dragon feels a tingling in her heart and her tears come out again.

"Ah, even if this creature is a human, I definitely shouldn't leave it alone, he looks so weak, more than any other human I know, at least I should protect him. If it's for him, I can do it"

Thought the dragon to himself attempting to stay alive in behalf to this one person.

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