Chapter 9: The more the better

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Opening his eyes, Cale finds himself in a room with a familiar ceiling, although he has been here just a few times in the past he remembers it very well, the room in the Roan palace reserved for guests of great importance.

- It seems I have come at the right time.

Hearing such a well-known voice Cale turns his head to meet the gaze of Crown Prince Alberu, and just as when he sees the hate-filled gaze of his friend Choi Han, his heart aches too when he sees Alberu's cold and indifferent eyes.

-Your highness, the sun of Roan kingdom, what could be my luck for the honor of his presence.

Alberu's gaze turns gloomy and Cale makes a melancholy expression.

- So Young Master Henituse knows who I am, but it looks like he still hasn't fully recovered.

-What nobleman of this kingdom could not know who is the future King.

Alberu's gaze wavers for a few seconds, meanwhile Cale examines himself and sees that his wounds from the battle in the Plaza de la Gloria have disappeared, even the ones he had long before that also disappeared, but he notices something that bothers him.

- It is only a precaution, although you are undoubtedly the hero who saved us from that terrorist attack 3 days ago, the fact that you knew there would be bombs in the place makes you a suspicious person.

- Wait, you say 3 days?

Cale asks worried, as he uncomfortably manipulates the shackles and chains that bind his hands, as if he is being treated unfairly.

- Even if I am a suspect, don't you think these chains are too much? it is enough for you to put a few guards.

"His tone suddenly changed to a casual one, as if he was talking to anyone he knew, to the point that he almost felt disrespectful."

-We will withdraw them as soon as you answer a few questions.

Cale knows Alberu will continue to distrust him even if he responds the correct answers, so he makes a gesture that tells Alberu that he will do it because he has no other choice.

"Despite being a hero, it seems that the rumors that his personality is a disaster are not a lie"

- The first thing I want to know is how did you know about the bombs? and the second, what are you relationship with the organization that carried out the terrorist attack?

-Then, if I answer those two questions, you will take this away from me, right?

- Only if you answer is convincing.

- I suppose it must be so.

Alberu's brilliant business smile is getting harder and harder to maintain because of how this person responds so casually to everything he says, even a duke would feel intimidated by this situation, but for this young noble it does not seem to be the case.

-To answer your first question, I first need to know if you know what the ancestral powers are.

- Ancestral powers? Of course, I know, they are those powers of nature that only someone with great luck or a divine blessing can obtain.

- Something like that, I have several ancestral powers.

- Several you say?!

Alberu couldn't hide his bewilderment and for a brief second, he lost his sovereign aura.

- Yes, your highness, I have several of them, but because my body is weak, I cannot use them as I want.

- So, you say you knew about the bombs by an ancient power. How?

- Well, I don't know how to explain it exactly, but thanks to one of my powers I can see some events in the future.

- You want me to believe that joke?

Cale knew that given Alberu's personality, he probably wouldn't believe his lie, although what he said was not entirely false, but since he had already predicted it, he knew how to respond.

- Well, besides events, I know other things, but I'm not sure if here is a safe place to reveal such sensitive information.

- What do you mean?

-I'm sure his highness knows what I mean, but don't worry it's not blackmail.

Alberu's cold eyes examined every one of Cale's expressions with the intention of knowing if he really knew something or he was just a charlatan.

- I'll just tell you something, despite your circumstances you are the most suitable person to take the throne.

- You say I shouldn't be worthy?

- It is quite the opposite. I firmly believe that you are the only one worthy, it is you who do not think so.

- nonsenses! Do you think that with this you will get my favor?!

Alberu exclaimed and approached Cale with his face full of annoyance, but Cale kept his stoic expression so Alberu calmed down again.

- Should I answer my second question now?, these chains are annoying.

- * sigh * Do it.

- I have no relationship with the terrorist organization, but I will in the future.

- What does you say?

- I will become the person to show hell to those bastards who dared to harm my family.


Seeing Cale's eyes burning like fire with strong determination, Alberu was convinced that what he said was true. But seeing a nobleman speak such a vocabulary shamelessly in front of the crown prince was so absurd that Alberu couldn't contain his laughter.

- Looks like I can take the chains off you now.

- I appreciate it, your highness.

- One more thing ... if you feel recovered, we should ...

- Please don't give me a medal in a tedious event or anything like that.

- ...

Alberu, who was removing Cale's shackles at the time, stopped and not being able to finish what he was saying due to the sudden interruption, he looked up to meet Cale's face who was making an expression of disgust.

- Ah ... I understand, in that case you must tell me if you want something, it would be a disgrace for the royal family if the hero who saved everyone from that terrible incident does not receive something.

- Money

- Pardon?

- In that case I want money, the more the better.

- Eh?

- By the way, can you also give me a high-quality healing potion?

It did not matter if he had already made up his mind that this person had a difficult personality, Alberu did not get used to his direct and rude behavior. But this was on a different level, he was asking him for money like it was the most natural thing in the world!

- Well, we can give you what you ask for without problem.

- I knows.

"This person is driving me crazy"

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