Chapter 7: I want to protect

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If the fourth bomb is not there, it means that the circumstances have changed, so it may be there are more suicide bombers or there are none and there are 2 more bombs to locate.

"Only 15 minutes to go"

The royal family is already entering, so it is more unlikely that he will be able to convince the guards and even if he did, he does not believe they will mobilize and find the remaining bombs in time. Choi Han and Rosalin must have enough in their hands looking for the bombs that are hidden in people, and after pretense as the person in charge, they are unlikely to listen him.

Cale examined the plaza that was filled with more and more people, then he saw a tower that was guarded and consequently there were few people nearby, so he had an idea.

"I will use the fire of destruction in its weakened state to generate an alert"

Cale approached the tower at a safe distance and summoned the fire of destruction causing the dome to shatter slightly and small debris to fall, but being gaudy and loud enough for people to be alerted. As expected, the people began to shout and some to retreat as the guards tried to control the situation and guarded the area of the nobles. Looking at the watch, he realized it was 8:58, just two minutes for the bombs to go off.

"It's time"

At nine o'clock a man came out from the bell tower that was located behind the King, due to the previous commotion, people are alert and many have been leaving the plaza. Then, the quite exalted King Zed demanded from this person to identify himself to which Redika replied.

- It should be fun.

A strong explosion was felt in the air several meters from the ground above everyone's head but Cale had already prepared his shield and protected the place from the shock wave, it seems that Choi Han and his group had been successful in the location of the bombs and before nine o'clock Rosalin used her magic with extreme caution and made the bombs levitate.

However, a second explosion was felt in the place and debris fell from a building near the tower where Cale had aimed his fire of destruction, but due to the fact there were not many people near just a few guards were injured.

The Royal Knights and some wizards were at the side of the Royal Family and the nobles to help them escape. Cale observed that Basen and the other nobles were trying to leave the place, then he looked towards the Alberu, just like the previous time Alberu was the only one of the Royal family who did not try to flee.

The wizard Redika was not laughing like before instead had an annoyed expression, then his eyes met those of Cale who until a moment ago had his shield presented in the sky and gave him a sinister smile. On the other hand, Cale detected something approaching behind him and display his shield again to be hit by Choi Han's sword.

- You! Who are you? That shield... you also got in my way when I tried to finish off the berserker dragon.

With two more blows from Choi Han's sword the shield broke and Choi Han grabbed Cale by the collar, who by that time was vomiting blood.

- Your enemy right now is not me, the magician in the bell tower is the one who hid and detonated the bombs.

- You said it was your doing and you had several of them in your possession.

- It was all an act; I just wanted your help to locate the rest of the bombs,

Choi Han looked at Cale carefully and noticed that he wasn't really drunk, then he remembered how was this person who gave him the clue than let him meet Rosalyn and together they were able to save Lock and his siblings, even so, there was many things did not make sense.

- Why should I believe a trash like you?

- Even a trash like me has people he wants to protect and I will do so at any cost.

- ...

At that moment an unpleasant laugh was heard in the place and Choi Han looked at the person responsible, Redika. Looking at him carefully Choi Han discovered that it was the same person who had attacked Lock's village, so he immediately threw Cale aside and charge towards the Redika but two more men appeared behind him. Cale also rushed towards them trying stop Choi Han.

"The suicide bombers!"

- Wait Choi Han!

One of the bombers headed towards the royal family, but was soon to be intercepted by Choi Han and the other headed towards the nobles. Cale used his shield to cover the area where the nobles were including his brother Basen and used another small part of the fire of destruction to take down the second suicide bomber before he got any closer to Choi Han.

The shield managed to cushion the explosion, but it broke quickly sending Cale away and destroying the glass and nearby structure, for his part the suicide bomber that was heading towards the royal family exploded midway, but luckily the magicians accompanying the King had already placed magic barriers, mitigating the impact. In contrast, Choi Han used his sword with his aura to protect himself, but just like Cale was sent away.

Without any success, Redika saw with evident anger the result of her failed plan, then he heard a voice that came from above where he was.

- Redika, first the dragon egg and now this failure. If we don't do something about it, our liege will be very upset.

Cale looked up at the familiar voice and then his heart raced.

"The half-blood dragon!"

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