T h i r t y

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    Eventually Mattheo calmed down but he was so comfortable he didn't want to move at all. "Theo"she whispers,he hummed.

  She cupped his face back up " Now can I kiss you " she asks,he didn't answer all he could do was smash his lips onto hers.

   Y/n kissed back passionately,and the memories bagan to flowed back,he smiled slightly into the kiss.

"O-okay,so,um...I'm um... pregnant"you say,he looks at you in shock,you start to become nervous,then he clears his throat. "I'm gonna be a dad"he says,you nod with a smile,as you see the joy on his face.

  "Im gonna be a dad"he repeats,you smile.He places his hand on your stomach and smiles.

"Come on Riddle"she begged,"I tol-"he was cut off,"Shut up and dance with me"she yelled,and grabbed Mattheo's hands

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"Come on Riddle"she begged,"I tol-"he was cut off,"Shut up and dance with me"she yelled,and grabbed Mattheo's hands.

She huffed,"Night..Theo"she yawned,the boy smiled,"Night princess"he whispered,tracing her thigh,with his fingers gently.

" What's your name"he asked handing me a paper and pen "Y//N Blackly" I wrote on the piece of paper,"Well Blackly,Im Mattheo Riddle"he said with a smirk.

"P-please,please M-mattheo,don't let him hurt me"she cried in her sleep, repeatedly,"Y/n,y/n?,WAKE UP!'he yelled,Y/n shot up,breathing heavily.

"Don't let him get me Theo"she cried,"I won't princess,I promise"he said stroking her head gently,calming her down,"I don't,wanna go back to sleep"she mumbled,"You don't have to"he reassured her.

   "Okay what's you favorite food"he asks,"Cookies"I answer quickly,"Mine is strawberry's"he says,"Why"I ask,"I don't know, I just like the sweet taste"he answers with a shrug,he took a strawberry off the plate,"Try"he said holding the strawberry to my lips

    "Okay,okay what's your worst fear"I ask,"If I tell you promise not to laugh " he smiles,"Pinky promise"I say,holding up my pinky,he smiled and warped his pinky around mine.

  "Why can't you get it through your thick skull"he asked,"Get what through my skull"she asked,"That i'm so fucking in love with you"he yelled.

   "How did you learn to use your powers by the way,I never asked"he asks,"With the help of Raven"you answers,he hums,"Guess what "you say,"What"he asks,titling his head.

 "I love you too".


  You pulled away from the kiss slowly,your furrowed your eyebrows. " I remember " you mumble, " What" Mattheo asks.

   " I remember you,Theo,all of it we were going to have a baby together,your the boy from my dreams" you say.

  He smiles "Finally " he chuckles, " Why didn't you just tell me"you asks. " What was I suppose to says, oh hey I was your lover before you died a year ago" he laughs.

  " That would be awfully weird" you giggle. He pulls the necklace from under his shirt you do the same, and smile before contacting the heart's.

  " I love you,princess"

" I love you too, Theo "


  Mattheo proposed to Y/n on her eighteenth birthday,she glady said yes. The two got married in July.

  She made Nora her flower girl, Echo,Pansy,Alaska,June,and Raven,her bridesmaids.

  Theodore and Blaise were Mattheo's,were his groomsmen,Theo being his right hand man.

  Lucas walked Y/n down the aisle and was the ring bearer.

  Y/n got pregnant with twins after their honeymoon, she named them Sonya and Asher. Sonya had dark hair like her dad the same eyes and Asher had more of Y/n's features.

  Y/n made Raven the kids godmother and Theodore their god father, They soon got married and had kids, and so did Blaise and Pansy.

  Alaska and June got married and adopt two four years old boys.

  Their kids became best friends and soon went to Hogwarts,taking their parents places.

  Their kids became best friends and soon went to Hogwarts,taking their parents places

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NEW BOOK OUT : mad love ;  mattheo riddle x reader.

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