Chapter 10

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It had been about a month and I'm finally getting discharged, the part of my leg that I do have left has been hurting but it feels much better, my appointment to get fitted for a prosthetic is tomorrow, and I'm scared. I won't have my leg but a fake one, but before my leg appointment I have therapy then the leg appointment then physical therapy. 
That's a lot of Scarlett's money going to my medical bill, and when I tell her I don't need, therapy of any sort she tells me not to worry about it. I just don't want her spending her money on me.
A nurse comes in with discharge papers and both the nurse and Scarlett sign them, so now I can finally go home.
We pack up my room and put all the drawings from Rose in an envelope, she has made me lots of drawings that I will hang in my bedroom when I get home, she had made them while at Lizzie's and when she had been sitting in my hospital room on

the bed with me, she would give them to me when she finished.
As we open the gate and pull into the driveway, I see Rose and Lizzie sitting outside, as we park Rose runs up to the car and opens my door, Lizzie opens the trunk and gets the wheelchair, we go threw the garage, and into the house, Sense there is a guest room downstairs, I'm sleeping down there, if Scarlett and Lizzie weren't at the hospital they were switching the rooms around, It wasn't really a guest room but it was Rose's play room.
I walk into my room, and it feels a little different, it's not my original room but I guess it will have to work.
I lay in bed and end up falling asleep.
I wake up to the feeling of Rose crawling into the bed, she cuddles up next to me, and lays her head on my chest, I rap my arms around her neck and pull her closer and we both fall asleep, I have missed this, I missed cuddling with Rose and having her in my bed when she can't sleep, or I Can't sleep or even if she just wants to sleep with me.
But if she gets scared can't really hear her, cause she is upstairs and I am downstairs, so I thought of something and crawl out of bed into my wheelchair leaving Rose asleep, I go into the kitchen and talk to Scarlett, "sense the play room is a

big room, which is now my room I thought we could put Rose's bed in my room?" 
"I don't see why not" she answers back
"We can do it tomorrow" Lizzie adds in
"I have three appointments tomorrow" I state
So we planned to do it this weekend which is only 2 days away, and hopefully I can help in some way, I can let Scarlett and Lizzie do all the work.

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