Chapter 11

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Therapy was ok guess and now I must get fitted for my prosthetic then go to physical therapy.
While in the car I pull out my earbuds and start listening to music, I open Spotify and play my favorite playlist, I love Chole Collins, her music is amazing, my all-time favorite song of hers would probably be Somebody else's and Ex to Ex.
We arrive to the hospital, and head in, we get shown to the room we are supposed to be.
They said that they want e to try walking today, I get out of the wheelchair, and the doctor and Scarlett help me on the table, the doctors grab a leg from their collection and try and put it on, they get it on me, and they ask me to try and stand up
"Come on sweetie you're doing great" Scarlett speaks
They tell me to try and walk and I tell them no, they kept pushing me so I then decided to try and walk, I end up falling, I yell at them to get out and leave me alone, so they all did so, I was alone in the room, I then feal a hand on my back, a woman

was trying to help me up "come on let's get you off the floor" she says in a stern voice "I don't want to, I can't do this" I say "you have to you can't give up" she says "You don't know what it is like losing the ability to do something you love" I shout "you're right I don't know what that is like, but I don't know what it is like to lose a leg" she says as she pulls her scrub ant leg up, "how did you lose yours? I ask "well-a year ago, me and a couple of my friends who are also my co-workers were on our way to Boise when our plane engine failed and we crashed, we were stuck in the woods for 4 days before we were found, the captain was paralyzed, the cardio surgeon dislocated her shoulder, and lost her shoe, the general surgeon got a peace of the plane stuck in her leg, neuro surgeon got his hand stuck in the wing of the plane and broke it the resident got stuck under the plane and didn't make it, the plastic surgeon died 30 days after we got back here, he was in a coma, and I lost my leg,"
"Wow you guys went through yell" "yes we did, and my first year working here there was a shooting, the hospital has also caught fire, there was a bomb in a patient, this hospital has been throwing hell and back-so what did you lose the capability of doing" she finish talking
"Before I ended up in the hospital I signed up for track and they accepted me to the team, I love running and now I can't"
"So, what is your name anyways" she asks
"I'm y/n, and you are?"

"Doctor Arizona Robbins pediatric" "so you work with kids?' I asked
"Yes, I do, if you don't mind me asking how you lost your leg?" she asked "oh well, I was taken by my stepdad's friend and he chained me to the basement ceiling and beat me, stabbed me, cut my leg deep, it got infected, next thing I knew I was in the hospital, and had to get my leg cut off"
"Oh, so you live with your mom now"
"Well, no, she's not my biological mom, but were waiting till she can adopt me."
"oh, who is your mom?" she asked "well my birth mom died when I was ten, I lived with my stepdad for almost 5 years, one night I escaped him and Scarlett almost hit me on her way back from work, and she brought me home, helped me get off drugs, been there for me when I needed her, celebrated my birthday, and was even by my bedside when I had to get my leg cut off" "Scarlett?" "yeah Scarlett Johansson" "oh, you must really like it there" "I do and not because she gets me expensive stuff, I hate when she does that, but because she has been there with me threw hell and back and has supported me when, she was supportive when I told her I was dating a girl and she wanted me to invite her over for dinner, and no one knows about me yet, and the day that my girlfriend Faith came over was when my stepdad's friend took me, I told him to cause he wanted my little sister Rose and she's 4 I cant let her go through what I went through" I say both of us almost crying.

So the these recent chapters i have had written on a word document to print cause this story I'm printing and I had them just haven't had posted them on here luv y'all ❤️

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