Chapter 25

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"Well go get her" I yell at Jack


"Y/n June, wanted, Two weeks ago Rose Dauriac was taken out of school for lunch by her adoptive sister, and never returned, Y/n signed her out as her mother, Scarlett Johansson, secretary was fired for not checking ID, she has been sued by Johansson, police have a reason to believe that Y/n wasn't working alone and has left the state if you see this woman, please contact your local police immediately."

  "We're on the news Y/n! We need to take her back!"

"No Jack I am not losing another child!"

"Kidnapping someone's child won't bring back Jenny! Jenny is dead, she died years ago Y/n, Just because you lost your child doesn't give you the right to take someone else's! where getting all of us disguise's and taking her back to New York! And you're going to talk to her mother!"

"Jack, she was your kid to"

"She died! She is dead! There is nothing we can do about it!"

"We can keep Rose"

"You're sick Y/n, we're taking her back and then you need to get help"


[Scarlett POV]

"By baby girl has been missing for two weeks, Colin and you want me to sleep, I can't sleep and I can't breath, I can't eat. I lost the baby and the person I thought I could trust took her, the teenage girl I brought into my life, into my home, I trusted her, and she took my baby, I'm not going to rest till I find her"

Just then there was a knock at my door

"I have to go Colin I'll talk to you later"

I hang up the phone and I go to answer my door, I freeze.


"Mama" I immediately hug her

"How could you do this Y/n"


"Y/n June, we have a warrant for your arrest you have the right to remain silent anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law you are aloud a lawyer if you do not have one one will be appointed for you, are we clear"

"Yes sir"


"Us the jury find the defendant guilty of kidnapping and sentenced time in rehab and an additional three years in minimum prison"

---Four years later---

"I'm better, I've been taking meds to help me, and I get out soon, I need a place to stay Scarlett, I miss Rose"

"you traumatized her Y/n"

"I was mentally unstable and missing my daughter. Did I ever tell you I had a daughter. Her name was Jenny. She was four when she got diagnosed with Glioblastoma, doctor said she could live up to another five years, she only lived up to a year, I went to wake her up for school one day and I couldn't wake her, she had a weak pulse, I imminently called 911. When we got to the hospital they got her pulse back up, then rushed her to the Computed tomography, they rushed her to surgery, but her brain swelled so much that she became brain dead we donated her organs. But it was hard. It was something I never imagined I'd be doing. She was supposed to bury me at the right time of course, I wasn't supposed to bury her, after her death I uh kept my first name but changed my last, I started working for someone, Jack didn't exactly approve of the job at first, but then I met you and uh I started to really like having you and Rose in my life, I had been taking meds but I stopped, it had been getting close to Jenny's birthday and uh my med's had stopped, I started seeing how much Rose and Jenny looked alike and that when I decided to take her, but now I'm back on my meds and I'm better, and If I come live with you, you can make sure I take my meds every single day, if I refuse shove them down my throat but all I know is that I miss you guys so much and I' so, so sorry for what did"

"You think a heartwarming story is going to fix the fact you kidnapped and traumatized my daughter, I'm sorry Y/n but I can't forgive you, you're just going to have to go live with Jack or on the streets... How old are you really?"

"I'm thirty now, I had jenny young"

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