Chapter 20

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Just then I wake up, was it all really a dream, I look around and I see my room at Scarlett's house I go downstairs, and nothing has changed, Me getting kicked out, living with Maya, Dani being pregnant by John, it was all a dream thank god.
Honestly it felt so real I didn't even think of it being a dream, but I guess it was. Just then Rose runs in and Jumps on my Bed telling me to wake up, I imminently hug her tight, I get out of bed and go downstairs and hug Scarlett and Lizzie, "Hi sweetie, what's wrong" "I just had a terrible nightmare, and no I don't want to talk about it." "okay, eat breakfast then go get ready so were not late"
"hi Y/n, how are you" some lady says as I arrive to my trailer "I'm good, who are you" "I'm Lacey I'm with CPS" "Child Protective Services?" She nods her head yes, "Mom..." I shout. Scarlett then comes around the corner. "What's wrong sweetie" "This is Lacey, she's with CPS" I state, "Someone's opened up a case?" Scarlett questions "yes, Y/n's birth mother...she's fighting for custody, I advise you find a lawyer" "I will be dropping in anytime unannounced weather its here or at your house" "She put me up for adoption why Would she all of a sudden fight for me...I don't want to see her and I don't ant to live with her shouldn't I have a choice in who I live with instead of Maya fighting, she needs to understand that I don't want anything to do with her" I state "Well hopefully you guys can settle this in court" The lady then leaves.
"Why would Maya want to fight for me, she put me up for adoption, she left me, she gave me to another family, she doesn't deserve to see me and doesn't get the mother figure from me. Scarlett is my mom she is who brought me into her home, who has helped me through rough times, she paid for my medical bills, and my therapy, not Maya, Maya didn't even seem to care when I was in the hospital"
"Thank you, Y/n, We would now like to bring Scarlett Johansson to the stand"
"Scarlett, do you swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth?" "I do"
"So, Scarlett you became Y/n's guardian after she ran away right" "That's correct" "why was she running away?" "She was running from her abusive step-father, who is now in prison for his actions towards her" "So you became her guardian after her father went to prison?" "yes" "Her last name is June" "I'm sorry I'm going to have to stop you there, your not going to imply that I'm any less Y/n's mother because we don't share the same DNA because that would be offensive to anyone in the room who has an adopted child or is an adoptive child, and for you to say that, I CHOOSE TO BE Y/N'S MOTHER IT DID NOT FALL INTO MY LAP THEIR WAS A CHOICE I COULD NOT LET HER LIVE WITH ME OR I COULD AND I CHOOSE TO BE HER MOTHER!!! Maya left her She has no right to be her mother"
"Their right" Maya stands up and states "I left her, I put her up for adoption but kept her twin sister, I don't have the right to be her mother, but I'm fighting to be, when I was fifteen I was raped, and then forced to keep the baby then it turned into babies, and overtime I began to love them, birth of them, but I was forced to put one of them up for adoption I didn't even have a choice, so yes I put her up for adoption, but I was forced to, I would have tried to get her back sooner but I lost contact with her mother after their house burnt down then her mother killed herself when she was ten, she was homeless, a man brought her and her mom in, and then was abusive yes. I didn't know where she was, then I found out she was in the hospital and have been trying to make family with her sense, in my house she wouldn't be abused she wouldn't be abandoned...again. And she wouldn't be doing drugs, when she first got to Scarletts house she was always high, she was a drug addicted and Scarlett didn't even realize she was doing drugs, and then she let her be taken and that's how she lost her leg, what kind of mother is that may I ask"
"okay I'm going to call a short reses to decide" the judge states

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