Arresting the Mad Hatter

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(Y/N) was following the trail of the Mad Hatter, AKA Tatch Jervis. Jervis kidnapped Crystal to be his 'Alice' forever. He tracks Jervis to the Falcone shipping yard and enters the building via ceiling grate and saw the mad man with Crystal who was in a dress from the Alice in Wonderland film.

 He tracks Jervis to the Falcone shipping yard and enters the building via ceiling grate and saw the mad man with Crystal who was in a dress from the Alice in Wonderland film

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Jervis: Would you like some more tea, Alice?

Crystal: My name isn't Alice, let me go!

Jervis: Come now, Alice. Be reasona--

Jervis was cut short as a Batarang hit his shoulder, making him cry out in pain. (Y/N) then makes himself known and stands before Jervis.

(Y/N): That's enough of these twisted games, Jervis!

Crystal: Batman?

Jervis: The new Batman! Such a pleasure to meet you!

Before Jervis could say anything else, (Y/N) lifts him in the air and looks him straight in the eyes.

(Y/N): Let her go.

Jervis: Not yet, Batman! Get him!

Then some mind controlled goons start to attack (Y/N), he dodges their strikes and tried not to hurt them, they don't seem like actual thugs, some of them were police officers. He knew the source of Mind Control must be coming from Jervis's hat, so he uses his Smoke pellets to blind the goons and Jervis. He then grabs Jervis's hat, tosses it to the ground and crushed it under his boot.

Jervis: NOOO!!!

The Police Officers regain their senses and (Y/N) smashes Jervis through a table, knocking him out. He walks over to Crystal and free's her.

Crystal: Batman, thank you! Thank you so much!

(Y/N): Are you okay?

Crystal: I don't know what happened. I was walking home then I find myself here in this dress.

(Y/N): Don't go anywhere. Some officer's will take you and the other officer's here back to GCPD.

Crystal: Thank you.

(Y/N) leaves the building and goes back to Wayne Manor.

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