Batgirl and Nightwing

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(Y/N), Tom and Alice had texted Crystal and Oscar to come to Wayne Manor and be ready for a surprise. The two arrive and ring the doorbell only for the ground to open up and the pair to fall in and find themselves in the Batcave. The two were shocked and then Batman, Red Hood and Robin land infront of the two. They were shocked at this and quickly stands up.

Crystal: Batman, Red Hood, Robin. It's an honour to meet you.

Tom: Please, no need for formalities, Crystal.

Oscar: You know her?

Alice: We know you too, Oscar.

Crystal: How?

(Y/N): That's why you are here.

The three remove their masks, shocking the two. It was their best friends.

Oscar: (Y/N), Tom, Alice?! You're vigilantes?!

Crystal: Not to mention that your Batman, Robin and Red Hood?!

(Y/N): Yeah.

Crystal: So, you guys have been taking out villains and locking them up?

Tom: Yeah.

Oscar: Risking your lives for Gotham?

Alice: Pretty much.

(Y/N) walks over to gadget table and begins sharpening his Batarangs, Tom starts to look at the news while Alice trains with her guns. Crystal and Oscar look around the cave and begins to look at the old suits and gadgets.

(Y/N): So, what do you think of becoming like us?

Oscar: You mean like heroes?

Tom: Crimefighters.

Crystal: Same thing.

Tom presses a button on the keyboard and two suits come out of the ground, along with the respectable gadgets.

Tom presses a button on the keyboard and two suits come out of the ground, along with the respectable gadgets

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