(Y/N), Crystal and Alice were at the Gotham docks following on a lead of the Previous Batman's killer.They were waiting for the person to arrive and identify them. A gang arrive at the docks and they see the villain. The one who killed Bruce Wayne. Lady Arkham.
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(Y/N): Lady Arkham. The previous Batman's killer.
Alfred: Please be careful. Lady Arkham is incredibly dangerous. There's a reason, Master Bruce died while fighting her.
Crystal: Well, we'll beat her and get payback for Bruce's murder.
The three make their presence known as Crystal and Alice fight Lady Arkham's gang and (Y/N) charges at Lady Arkham herself. Lady Arkham tries to use her staff but (Y/N) grabs it and begins to push back with Lady Arkham pushing back too. The two stare at each other, trying to overpower one another.
Lady Arkham: So, the Rumours are true. Their's a new Bat-Family in Gotham.
(Y/N): And upgraded in every way!
(Y/N) then headbutts Lady Arkham who uses her staff to blast (Y/N) into a container.
Crystal: Batman!
As Lady Arkham walks towards (Y/N), a whip latches around the staff and is pulled from the villain, and Catwoman kicks Lady Arkham away from (Y/N).
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Catwoman: Stay the hell away from him, bitch!
Lady Arkham: The cat comes back to play. Children of Arkham! Kill them all!
Lady Arkham's gang charges at the four and they begin to block all attacks while going offensive as well.
Alice: We're outnumbered and outmatched!
Catwoman: We need to get out of here!
Crystal throws down a smoke pallet, giving the group time to retreat back to the Batcave.