Curing Man-Bat (Batman Only)

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(Y/N) was flying around Gotham, looking for Dr. Kirk Langstrum otherwise known as the Man-Bat. (Y/N) may have made a possible permanent cure to his condition. (Y/N) lands ontop of the clock tower only for Man-Bat to land next to him and scream at him.

 (Y/N) lands ontop of the clock tower only for Man-Bat to land next to him and scream at him

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(Y/N): Whoa! Hey, Kirk!

(Y/N) takes out the antidote and tries to administer it but Man-Bat begins to use his claws to try and kill (Y/N).

(Y/N) takes out the antidote and tries to administer it but Man-Bat begins to use his claws to try and kill (Y/N)

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(Y/N) took this opportunity to administer the cure and inject Langstrum in the arm. But it was only half the dose and he'll need to inject the other half when he gets another chance. (Y/N) headbutts Man-Bat, making the nocturnal creature stubble around, giving (Y/N) the opportunity to administer the rest of the cure, changing him back into Kirk Langstrum.

(Y/N): Welcome back, Kirk.

Kirk: B-Batman? B-But how?

(Y/N): I'm not the one you know. I'm the new Batman. I'll take you to GCPD.

Kirk: Thank you, Batman. Thank you.

(Y/N) picks up Kirk and flies him to GCPD.

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