Arresting Two-Face (Batman and Robin)

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It's been a month since Tom became Robin and he has become an excellent fighter. But this will be his greatest challenge yet.

(Y/N): Tom!

Tom: Yeah, (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Two-Face is robbing the bank in Chinatown. Let's go.

Tom: Are you sure I'm ready?

(Y/N): You are ready. I know you are.

Tom: Thanks, (Y/N).

The two leave the Batcave, (Y/N) flying by his suit and Tom on the Redbird. After a while, they arrive at Chinatown and heard the bank alarms. They enter through the ceiling grate and saw the thugs.

Tom: So, how do you want to do this? Full on attack? Stealth? Or how about you deal with Two-Face and I'll deal with the thugs?

(Y/N): You know what, you deal with Two-Face and I'll deal with the thugs.

Tom: What?

(Y/N): Hold him off until I get there. If you manage to apprehend him, then that'll be bonus points.

Tom: Ok. Here we go.

(Y/N) leaves the grate and starts to knock out the thugs while Tom goes to the main office and saw the killer of the last Robin, Two-Face.

(Y/N) leaves the grate and starts to knock out the thugs while Tom goes to the main office and saw the killer of the last Robin, Two-Face

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Tom takes a deep breath and quietly leaves the grate to try and sneak up on Two-Face. He looks behind the desk and saw Two-Face was gone. He looks next to him and saw him and he was thrown into a filing cabinet.

Two-Face: A new Robin. Where's Batman? Taking out my men?

Tom: Well, at least he's smarter than you. Look at you. Robbing banks, hurting innocent people. Your a monster.

Two-Face pulls out his pistol and his coin.

Two-Face: What'll be your fate? Death? Or live?

Two-Face flips the coin and it was heads and looks at Tom with a demented smile.

Two-Face: Time to die, Robin.

Two-Face attempts to shoot Tom, only for Tom to throw a sherkin at Two-Face, making him drop the gun.

Two-Face attempts to punch Tom only for a Batarang to come through the window and stab Two-Face's wrist making him scream in pain

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Two-Face attempts to punch Tom only for a Batarang to come through the window and stab Two-Face's wrist making him scream in pain.

Two-Face attempts to punch Tom only for a Batarang to come through the window and stab Two-Face's wrist making him scream in pain

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(Y/N) smashes through the window and kick Two-Face into the wall.

(Y/N): You ok, Robin?

Tom: I'm fine, Batman.

(Y/N) helps Tom up and they both grab Two-Face and double chokeslam him to the ground. (Y/N) then punches Two-Face and knocks him out. He then calls Cash to let him know about the situation.

(Y/N): Cash, Two-Face is at the bank in Chinatown. He's been apprehended and is ready for pick up.

Cash: Right. Sending a squad car. Thanks, Batman.

Tom and (Y/N) go back to the Batcave to think about their next move.

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