Arresting Azrael

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(Y/N) was flying around Gotham to see if there was any trouble. After an hour of searching, there was nothing and he started to consider going home, until one of Bruce's old Batarangs flew by.

 After an hour of searching, there was nothing and he started to consider going home, until one of Bruce's old Batarangs flew by

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(Y/N) looks in the direction where it was thrown from and saw another villain. Azrael.

(Y/N): Michael Lane

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(Y/N): Michael Lane.

Alfred: Do be careful sir. Azrael was a devastating opponent to Master Bruce.

(Y/N): Don't worry Alfred. I can take him.

(Y/N) lands infront of Azrael and the two immediately start to fight one another. (Y/N) keeps on dodging Azrael's sword while Azrael keeps blocking all of (Y/N)'s kicks and punches until (Y/N) grabs the blade and puts it through the ground and headbutts Azrael. GCPD immediately swarm the area and saw the two. The new Commissioner walks infront of the rest of the officers.

Cash: Freeze! Oh, shit! Batman? Is that really you?

Cash: Freeze! Oh, shit! Batman? Is that really you?

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(Y/N): Not the one you know, Commissioner Cash. But I'm trying to keep his legacy alive.

Cash: Well, how about we fix the signal? Change the symbol to yours?

(Y/N): No, We make a new one. We leave the one the previous Batman made as a memorial to him at GCPD.

Officer Owens: Sounds good to me, Commissioner.

Cash: Yeah. We'll get to work right away. Can't wait to work with you. Batman.

The police takes Azrael away while (Y/N) goes to Wayne Manor to rest. Now Batman has his first allies.

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