Jungkook, Don't Drink That! - Part 2

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The members ran into the bathroom with him.

"What the hell happened to me?! Why am I so little?!" Jungkook screamed and started to cry.

The members weren't sure what to do.

"Do you need me to call your parents?" Namjoon asked. They thought maybe this little 15 year old kid had hit his head or something.

"Hyungs it's me! It's Jungkook! I don't know what happened, but it's me! I live here!"

"Okay well if you're Jungkookie tell us something only he would know," Taehyung suggested.

To their surprise, he told them a ton of things only he would know. He could have gone on and on until Jimin stopped him.

"Woah, you are Jungkook...but how...oh no way! That weird stuff you drank yesterday at the fair!! They said it'd turn you younger or whatever and you drank it! It worked!" Shouted Jimin.

Everyone started gasping in disbelief.

"Jungkook?!" Jin lifted the maknae's arms to inspect him. "You're so cute!!"

All the members started pinching his cheeks and "Awwww"-ing him.

"Hyungs stop it! This can't be happening! I don't want to be 15 again!"

The maknae looked back into the mirror and kept crying. The only reflection in the mirror was the kid he was eight years ago. His hyungs practically towered over him now, and he had no muscles just like before.

"It's okay Kookie, the people said it would only last three days, you'll be yourself again by the end of the week," Hobi reassured him while smiling. He thought Jungkook being so little again was the cutest thing in the world.

"But they also said it was a failure! It's not supposed to work! What if I don't turn back?!" Jungkook was on the verge of a panic attack.

"If you don't turn back in three days we will call them or something," Yoongi told him.

Yoongi stepped behind Jungkook and looked at both their reflections in the mirror. "I don't remember him being this little when he was 15. Why is he so little?"

"He was that little, but so were we. We're all big now so he just seems smaller," Jin replied.

"Uhh! This sucks!" Jungkook walked back out and into the kitchen as his hyungs followed. They couldn't take their eyes off of him, as they were filled with both amazement and shock.

Jungkook took a beer out of the fridge and cracked it open.

Jimin ran over and grabbed it. "Woah, uh...I don't think you can be drinking that."

"What? Why not?" Jungkook asked surprised.

"Well, wouldn't this be considered underage drinking or something?" Jimin asked.

Jungkook snatched the beer back and took a sip. "Hyung, I'm 23!" he yelled.

Yoongi walked over and ripped it back out of the maknae's hand. "We know that but I don't think alcohol is the best choice for the body you're in. It will mess you up. No alcohol until you go back to normal."

Jungkook shot the rest of his members a pouty look, killing them with the same giant doe-eyes he used as a kid to get what he wanted.

"Awww!" yelled Hobi "He's so cute!!" He went up to Jungkook and hugged him. The maknae let out a groan, he already hated this. Namjoon walked over and handed Jungkook a banana milk from the fridge instead.

Jungkook stared at it. "Seriously?"

Namjoon couldn't help but burst out laughing. "It will help you grow big and strong!" All the members started to giggle.

Jungkook, Don't Drink That! {JJK x BTS}{BTS AU}Where stories live. Discover now