Jungkook, Don't Drink That! -Part 1

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It had been a few weeks since the BTS members had any schedules. Their manager had gifted them an extended vacation after years of non-stop hard work. They had done a lot of fun things. They traveled to new places together, took time to visit their families, had some get togethers with other friends, and more.

There was a science fair coming to town and Namjoon had talked everyone in to going to it. He loved learning about anything there was to learn about. Hobi was also interested, he had always been into science ever since he was young. He especially loved building things like volcanoes and model planes.

"The fair opens in about an hour!" Namjoon yelled throughout the house while everyone was getting ready. They were all excited, the flyer for the fair said there would be a ton of different showcases. Some of the most profound scientists from across the world would be there to show off their latest creations and developments.

There was also a science competition where groups with the coolest experiments could win a large cash prize. Jungkook was mostly excited for the food trucks that were supposed to be there. There was nothing he loved more than authentic food from a food truck. They all finished getting ready and loaded into a seven seater SUV they had. Hobi offered to drive everyone.

When they got to the science fair they took off in different directions as different things had caught everyone's attention.

Hobi saw a volcano display, Namjoon saw a group doing an experiment with robots. Taehyung, Jimin, and Jungkook ran straight to the food truck. Jin and Yoongi casually walked around to see all the exhibitions.

Yoongi and Jin eventually caught up to Hobi.

"I want to build a huge one someday," Hobi told his hyungs while pointing to some of the volcanoes.

"Why? So you can drown us all in a bath of vinegar and baking soda?" Yoongi joked.

Jin yelled when he felt someone come up behind him and try to jump on his back. "Yahh!"

He turned around to see the three maknae's in a fit of laughter all holding soda's and french fries. The three older ones started stealing the fries and taking sips of the sodas.

"This place is cool," Taehyung said with a full mouth. "Do you think they sell goop here? I love buying goop."

"Last time you bought goop I had to buy new blankets because you got it stuck everywhere!" Jimin scolded.

Jungkook cut them off. "Hyungs! Look at that one! We should go check out that one!" He was pointing to a science display that looked like something out of a Halloween commercial.

They walked over to a table filled with crystals and random decorations. There were cardboard cutouts of witches and the people at the table were also dressed as witches. Their table had things you could buy and there was also a small cup with a green liquid in it.

"I don't mean to be rude, but what exactly is this table for? This looks like a Halloween thing more than a science thing," Jin asked innocently.

One of the workers replied, "Oh! We are just selling stuff, are you interested in any of these rocks? We are actually just having a competition with our friends to see if people buy more rocks from witches or zombies. The zombie table is on the other side!"

Jungkook placed his food and drink down on the table to inspect the rocks, he also noticed the cup with green liquid. "What's that?" he asked.

"It's our experiment potion! We hexxed it so whoever drinks it turns into a kid again for three days!" they laughed.

The other person in costume turned to Hobi. "She's just kidding. We were just pretending to make a potion from a spell book we found. I'd consider it a failure though."

Hobi let out a nervous chuckle and backed up next to Yoongi, he wasn't into freaky Halloween experiments.

Namjoon caught up with the rest of the members at the table as they all started looking through the pretty rocks. Some were authentic crystals, others sand stones, along with other things.

Jungkook was busy looking at them when he reached over for his soda cup and was about to take a sip from it.

"No! Don't drink th-" one of the workers dressed as a witch tried to warn him but it was too late, Jungkook had already accidentally taken a giant sip from the green liquid instead of from his soda.

"Ew! That...that tastes terrible!"Jungkook winced. All the members started laughing at him.

"What is that?" Namjoon asked. He had missed the previous conversation about the drink.

"It's going to turn our Jungkookie into a little baby!" Taehyung laughed and started pinching Jungkook's cheeks.

They decided not to buy any of the rocks and continued to look at the rest of the displays for a few hours before finally heading home. When they arrived home they were exhausted and hung around the place, everyone fixed their own thing for dinner.

"How do you feel after drinking that mystery liquid?" Jimin asked Jungkook.

"I feel fine. It just tasted weird," the maknae replied.

They watched a few movies together and called it a night pretty quickly.

The next morning everyone except Jungkook had gathered in the kitchen for breakfast. In the middle of cooking, Jungkook finally came out of his room to join them. "Good morning." He stopped and stretched. All the members looked at him and froze in shock. They all gave a confused look to each other.

"Holy crap! That kid looks just like Jungkook used to!" screamed Jimin.

"Does he have a little brother or something we never knew about?!" yelled Hobi.

Jungkook started at them confused. "Uh hyungs? Are you guys okay?"

Jin walked over to the maknae and bent down to be eye level. "Hey there little buddy. Did you get lost? I think you're in the wrong dorm," he said nicely.

"Is this a prank? What are you talking about? I live here." Jungkook was completely confused on why his hyungs were acting so weird.

"Can someone go wake Jungkook up?" Jin asked while still standing there.

Namjoon walked into the maknae's room then came back out. "He's not in there."

"I am Jungkook! Stop it you guys are scaring me!! Your joke isn't funny!"

"You can't be Jungkook. Jungkook is 23. You're like 15." Taehyung walked up to him. Jungkook suddenly wondered why everyone else seemed so tall compared to him.

He ran into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. "Ah! What's going on?!" His voice cracked as he trembled when he saw the horrors before him.

Jungkook, Don't Drink That! {JJK x BTS}{BTS AU}Where stories live. Discover now