Jungkook, Dont Drink That! - Part 4

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Everyone decided to call it a night rather early, as they were all exhausted from the day they just had. Taehyung walked into his room that he shared with Jungkook, to see the maknae still peacefully passed out in bed. He was glad to see he was getting the rest he needed, he had been worried ever since Jungkook fainted at the amusement park, he knew heat exhaustion could get serious really quickly.

He looked at the nightstand and saw that Jungkook had drank through all the water bottles Jin had left him, so he quickly threw those away and grabbed a few more before changing into pajamas and sinking into his own bed. He watched Jungkook sleep for a few minutes, feeling a weird sense of nostalgia and sadness. Seeing him be young again brought back so many memories, some good, some bad. As much as it was a cool, or odd, experience, he really wanted Jungkook to be an adult again. He didn't like feeling like a babysitter, he wanted his 'real' Jungkookie back. In the middle of his thoughts, his eyes slipped closed and he fell asleep.

In the middle of the night, Jungkook started tossing and turning in his sleep breaking out in a cold sweat before shooting up in bed, hyperventilating. It took him a moment to collect himself as he looked around and looked at Taehyung who was fast asleep in his bed on the other side of their room. He felt scared, and didn't want to bother his hyung but also really wanted his comfort. As Jungkook had gotten older he had grown out of his clingy phase if he felt scared but he couldn't fight the urge to wake his hyung up.

"Taehyungie?" Jungkook shook Taehyung, who just rolled over in the opposite direction.

"Hyung?" Jungkook tried waking him up again. "Hyung please wake up." He wiped a small tear that escaped his eye.

Taehyung opened one eye. "What Jungkook it's the middle of the night. Are you okay?"

"I had a nightmare," he pouted.

Taehyung groaned. "It was just a dream, go back to sleep."

"I can't hyung, it's scaring me."

"It was just a dream, okay?"

Jungkook stood at the side of Taehyung's bed and hid his face in his hands as he began to cry harder.

Taehyung sat up and pulled him into a hug. "Okay, okay. I'm awake. Do you want to talk about it?"

Jungkook sat and leaned against Taehyung while being hugged. "What if I never go back to normal? What if I'm stuck like this forever? In my nightmare I was stuck like this forever and then never died because I was stuck at 15 forever and I outlived everyone I love...including hyungs." He wiped another tear.

"We won't let that happen to you. You won't be like this forever. After three days if it doesn't fix itself, hyung's will figure something out. I promise. Don't worry about it okay? Seriously though Kookie you need to sleep now." Taehyung was exhausted and knew Jungkook wasn't 100% better either. He gave Jungkook a kiss on his forehead, and then Jungkook crawled back into his own bed and went back to sleep.

Taehyung passed back out in bed, but what felt like not even 10 minutes later he was woken up by Jungkook, again.

Oh for the love of God Kookie, now what?

"Hyung..." Jungkook said while clutching his stomach. Taehyung turned the lamp on his nightstand on, and was a little taken back by how crappy Jungkook looked. Even though he had some sunburn on his face, he still somehow seemed pale.

Taehyung sat up in bed as his worry increased. "What's wrong?"

"Hyung...I-I don't feel go-" Jungkook's words were cut off by him instantly throwing up all over the floor at the side of Taehyung's bed.

Jungkook, Don't Drink That! {JJK x BTS}{BTS AU}Where stories live. Discover now