Jungkook, Don't Drink That! - Part 5

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Jin went to the bathroom and grabbed a washcloth, wetting it under some warm water. He also grabbed a breathing patch that goes on your chest to help aid in congestion. He went back in Jungkook's room where everyone was still comforting the maknae.

He sat next to Jungkook on the bed and began wiping his face up with the warm wash cloth. He also placed the breathing patch on Jungkook's chest. "This should help you breathe a bit. Are you ready? I want you checked on as soon as possible. Do you want something to eat first?"

Jungkook shook his head no.

"He can't even keep down water why would he want to eat?" Yoongi asked, mockingly.

"Yah! Hush! I was just asking!" Jin replied.

Namjoon and Taehyung helped Jungkook stand up from bed, he had a hard time walking as he wanted to just clutch his stomach. His stomach was hurting so badly. Jimin carried the puke bucket as they all helped the youngest get into the back of the car. Once in the car, they could see Jungkook violently shaking.

Yoongi wiped more sweat from Jungkook's forehead. "Why are you so shaky?" he asked, worried.

"I'm so cold."

"Cold? You're sweating and it's summer. It's like a million degrees outside how are you cold?"

Jungkook shed more tears. "I don't know hyung. I'm just really cold."

"Yoongi-ah can you grab him one of your sweaters before we go please?" Jin asked. Yoongi ran in and grabbed the smallest one he could find and handed it to his maknae.

"Thank y-" Jungkook fell into another coughing fit. Everyone frowned in worry.

"Take care of him Jinnie hyung." Jimin sulked as Jin hopped in the drivers seat.

Everyone hugged Jungkook and gave him a kiss on his forehead before watching them drive away. They had all wished to go along too, but Jin wanted go keep the trip lowkey.

Yoongi immediately texted Jungkook.

Yoongiiiii-hyungie: just hang in there bunny. you'll be alright. i love you.

Jungkook was fast asleep in the back of the car the entire way to the doctor. Jin glanced at him through the rear view mirror and couldn't help but see how defeated his youngest looked.

A million thoughts swirled through his head. What if it was the drink? What if it IS killing him? My baby!! Dont worry kookie I wont let anything bad happen to you ever again!! He wiped his tears as they arrived at the doctors. Jin got out of the car and opened Jungkook's door, shaking him to wake him up. He was entirely drenched in sweat.

"Yahh Jungkook-ah I know you said you're cold but maybe take the sweater off. It's really too hot out. You're soaked. And I really don't need a repeat of yesterday..." Jin didn't want him passing out because of the heat. That would've created a ton of new problems.

Jungkook listened and slowly took the sweater off, but stayed in his seat clutching his stomach and gripping his puke bucket. "Hyung it hurts too much to walk..." he whined.

"But you have to." Jin stared at him. The two of them silently stared at each other for a moment before Jungkook spoke up again and asked, "Can you please carry me?" He presented his hyung with big, pleading eyes.

"Ahh! Seriously kookie?! You can't walk?!"

Before he could say anything else, Jungkook got sick into his bucket and cried.

Jin felt so bad. He rubbed Jungkook's back. "Okay, hyung will bring you in just try not to puke on me please." He scooped him up into his arms and grabbed the bucket.

Jungkook, Don't Drink That! {JJK x BTS}{BTS AU}Where stories live. Discover now