✨The Shift✨

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How's it feel to wake up and it is a day before you shift for the first time? I am nervous but it has to happen. I was born to the King Ace and Queen Danielle of the Royal Shifters and the Alfa and Luna of the Blue Moon pack,one of largest pack in the world. Although I don't live with them instead I live with my grandma Emma and my best friend Sidney.

 Although I don't live with them instead I live with my grandma Emma and my best friend Sidney

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Without the nose piercing.
I have never seen my parents before but my grandma is the mother of my father. I was born and was sent away with my grandma for protection. She is a lone wolf and my best friend Sidney lived with us from we were small so she is like a sister to me. We are complete opposites. She likes colourful things but I like dark things such as black,red and grey. I am a bad girl but she is a sweet softie but we hit it off together. I even have couple tattoos and have piercings. As I turn 18 my grandma said that right after I shift,we will be moving to live with my mother and father so am kind of scared which am never. I have been training from I was 2. Sidney's parents left her and she came to live with us. If I told you this you would not believe because she is a very cheer full. We are in another pack for the time being so it's nice. Sidney shift a month ago and she is a beautiful grey wolf. I groan feeling pillows hitting me on the head.
"Come on,wake up bitch!" Said my best friend Sidney.
"Sidney! What did I tell you about cursing?" My grandmother scolded her.
"Sorry ma." She apologized but still hitting me.
I opened my eyes to see her on top of me looking down at me in her clothes in which she is going to wear to school. Well shit am gonna be late. I pushed her off me and she hit the ground with a thud.
"Ow bitch!" She shouted at me.
"Sidney!" My grandma shouted from downstairs.
"Good morning baby. Let me go get ready." I said.
I got ready and put on matching outfits with Sidney.

 I got ready and put on matching outfits with Sidney

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I went downstairs and kissed grandma's cheek.
"Goodbye ma,I love you." I said.
"I love you too stay safe!" She said.
I went out side and saw Sidney there waiting.
"Finally bitch, come on." She said pulling me.
We arrived at school after 15 minutes. We went inside and to our lockers. I was waiting on Sidney but one of the girls that pick on Sidney came up to her.
"How's your mom doing Sidney?" She said.
I saw Sidney lower her head.
"How 'bout you go suck your baby daddy's shrimp dick Slutyus." I said standing infront of Sidney.
"How do you know that his dick is small?" She asked.
"When he got hard after seeing your boney ass,I could tell worn out pussy. Go to your baby,he needs you." I said.
Just then I heard a thud then a wince, right after came laughter. I turn my head and saw her baby daddy on the floor crying and holding his jaw while three boys are laughing at him. They walked pass him and walked pass our locker and the hottest one out of the three winked at me. They came over and he wrapped his arm around my waist.
"Hey Angel." CJ said while kissing my cheek.
"Hey CJ." I said kissing his cheek while watching the girl run to her baby daddy. I saw Nick wrapped his hand around Sidney and kissed her cheek. I saw Sidney blush,oh she is such a baby. Nick is Sidney's boyfriend but they don't know if they are mates. CJ turn my face to his and hesitantly kissed my lips. I kissed him back as I lean against the locker and he hover over me. To be honest he is not unattractive. He is very attractive,handsome,built and tall. He is a wolf and demon. He is gonna be the future Alfa. He wrapped his hand around my waist as I wrapped mine around his neck while running my hand through his hair. His hand slowly and hesitantly slide down to my ass and he squeeze it and I moan on his lips. I never had sex before not even pass someone kissing me. He pulled away as we heard cheering. He chuckled and put his face in the crook of my neck smelling me. I saw Sidney kissing Nick and Blake talking to his boyfriend Zack. They are mates. We heard the bell meaning class is about to start. He pulled away and pecked my lips before letting me go completely.
"See you later Angel." CJ said.
I waved good bye and walked away. As I walked away I felt his eyes watching me.

As I left my last class for the day I felt like am not in this world. I walked to my locker and saw them waiting. I hugged Sidney and kissed CJ. I waved good bye and we went home. As we enter I heard grandma singing.
"We're home!" I said.
"In the kitchen Angel!" She replied.
We went into the kitchen and saw that she was packing bags and food.
"What's going on ma?" I asked.
"We are gonna spend the night in the woods and after you finish shifting we are going to your parents. Go pack your clothes and put it in the car." She said.
I went upstairs and packed everything that I will need. I went back downstairs and saw that they are ready. We left and head for the forest. After hours we came across a clearing with a waterfall. It was so beautiful. From birth I was always attracted to nature especially bodies of waters. It felt like it's calling me and telling me something. We ate and waited until it was 11:58. I was in the water when grandma told me to take off my clothes and she gave me a blanket. As my birthday hits I started to feel funny. I heard a bones crack and I let out blood curling screams. After what felt like hours. I looked down and saw beautiful white fur. I asked Sidney to video it so I could see it. I stood up on the first try and did not fall.
Hi Angel am your wolf Amy.
Get ready.
Before I could finish I heard another bone crack and I let out whimpers. After what felt like another hour. I look down and saw larger paws and white fur.
Hi,am your lioness Abby.
Hi,I have a lion and wolf?
Yes. When you are crowned and giving the pearl necklace you will get your other creatures.
I looked up and saw grandma and Sidney looking at me in awe. Soon later I turned back into my human form. I was so tired. They helped me put on my clothes and into the car. Grandma started driving.

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