✨ Vampire Attack.✨

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It's been two weeks since the incident and we thought our pack and clam how to fight better. So we improved and our numbers are alot. I woke up to the sound of loud howls. Something pushed through my head and I let it in.

Luna we are under attack. Please come help.

My eyes widen and I looked to see Luca flying out of the bed. He put on a black pants and I knew he heard what was going on. I got up and put on my leather suit. We nod at each other and used our vampire speed and run out. My wolves followed and I saw alot of other wolves running behind us.

"LET SKY OUT OF THE DUNGEON TO COME HELP! NOW!" Luca roared as we ran.

We ran out of the castle and we ran to the border. I saw a large clam of vampires, couple rouges and some witches. But they are not ours. Our entire pack,clam and shifters gathered behind me and Luca. My other mates walked beside us and I felt another person. I turn my head to see Sky staring at me. I looked back at the attackers infront of us ignoring him completely. How did they get in past the border and not wake me up? If they got passed the border and the ice without waking me up then we had someone from the inside that helped them. I growled loudly at the thought.

"Who are you?" I growled at the people opposite from us.

I heard a sick laugh and the vampires at the front parted and I saw an old looking man walking forward.

"If it isn't my beautiful princess." The old looking vampire said.

"Who are you? And am not going to ask again." I growled.

"Ooo feisty,I like it." He said again.

I growled and my eyes glowed red.

"Fine,fine. I am Rider." He said with a sick smirk on his old looking face.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"You." He said then started to laugh. "But I guess I have to fight for you."

His face turn serious and I smirked.

"Then go ahead Rider." I hiss out.

He smirked and snap his fingers. The people on his side ran towards us but we were faster. The fight began. I fought and killed lots and lots of vampires. Made some levitate and some freeze with ice. I spotted Rider fighting some of my wolves and I growled loudly and shifted mid air into my wolf. I ran towards them and claw his face. He smirked and I shifted into myself again. I growled and his claws grew and he scratched my arm. I growled and pin him against a tree. We fought and fought until I had him down and was about to kill him but I was thrown off. I landed into a tree bark and I heard numerous gasp. One of my eye opened and I looked at see Megan helping Rider up. I growled loudly.

"Megan! What the fuck are you doing?!" Her mother growled at her.

"She was gonna hurt my mate!" Megan growled back.

All of our eyes widen except the vampires on their side and Rider who just smirked.

"Your mate?" Her mother asked.

"Yes my mate." Megan answered.

With our distraction,I was pinned down by three vampires and I growled. They just snicker and rolled their eyes.

"Why did you do that Megan?" I whisper asked,hurt and devastated.

"He was my mate what was I supposed to do? Besides you had every thing. Multiple mates that loved you with all their hearts,your beautiful,men and even women love you and all I had was a shitty mate that doesn't love me and I stood in your shadow." Megan said.

In the corner of my eye I saw Luca and Sky sneaking behind Megan and Rider while they were distracted. They jumped out and pinned them to the ground. I growled loudly and throw the three vampires off me.

"LEVITATE!" I roared and every vampire,wolf and witch that did not belong to us started to levitate.

I chuckled darkly and walked over to Rider and Megan who looked at me in horror.

"I trusted you and you choose to break that trust I had in you." I said as I stared down at them.

I looked at her mother to see she was looking at Megan in disgust.

"Do you want to kill her? We could keep her in the dungeon." I asked her mother.

"Kill her." She hissed.

Megan's eyes widen then she sighed and looked down. I nodded and killed all the vampires, rouges and witches. Rider watched and I smiled sweetly at him before killing him. I looked at Megan and she looked at me.

"Good bye." I said and she nodded.

"Take care of my mom." She whispered and I nodded.

I then raised the silver filled knife and was about to kill her when I heard someone say.


I turn around to see a man running our way. He had tears in his eyes and he was panting. He smiled at Megan and I saw a faint blush rise onto her cheeks. Oh my goddess.

"Wait. She is my mate. Rider let his witches brain washed her and made her think that he was her mate. But his mate died long time ago." He said.

He handed me a piece of paper and my eyes widen slightly. Rider was my grandfather's bestfriend. But he killed my grandfather because he was jealous of him. What the fuck? I frowned as I saw a location at the bottom. I heard three different gasps and I looked at see dad,mom and Luca all staring at the paper.

"Oh my goddess. I know this man but he isn't died." Luca said.

Our eyes snap to him and he nodded.

"Follow me." He said.

We looked at each other before nodding. I motioned for the entire pack to follow and the guy helped Megan up so she could also join us. After a long while of walking we reached a water fall. A really beautiful water fall.

"Parte dell'acqua per i tuoi padroni!" Luca yelled looking straight at the waterfall.

As soon as he said that,the waters opened to reveal a cave.

"Luca! Is that you?" I heard a deep, husky voice call out from the cave.

"Yes,Pa it's me and I have a surprise for you!" Luca called back.

"Wait hold on,am coming!" The voice said again.

Soon after we heard footsteps and a man walked out of the cage. My eyes widen as I saw a tall man walk out with black head of hair. He was muscular and his eyes were like mine. His eyes landed on me and his smile drop. He looked me over before he looked back at my eyes. Suddenly he jumped into the air and a small cloud suddenly appeared under his feet. He fly over to us and landed couple feet away from me.

"W-who are you?" He asked looking at me.

"I'm Angel and you are?" I asked.

"Adam. Why is my granddaughter here Luca? It's dangerous, didn't I tell you to protect her and not bring her into danger." Adam scolded Luca.

"Sorry Pa but she found out." Luca said rubbing the back of his neck in nervousness.

"Pa?" I asked confused.

Luca nodded.

"Pa found me in the woods when I was just a little child. He took me in and I called him Pa because he was the one who raised me." Luca explained.

"Oh." I said nodding in understanding.

"Well you are very beautiful my granddaughter. It's nice to finally meet you in person." Adam said.

"You too." I said.

"Wow am gonna burst with excitement." He squealed while jumping up and down.

I giggled and he hugged me tightly.
After that we all went home and we had fun together.

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