The Wait

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Arriving at the airport, Chrissy is a big ball of nerves. "Okay girl, let's do this!" Shae says with excitement. Chrissy pulls down the mirror from the visor in her car, and applies a coat of lipstick. She takes a deep breath and looks at her best friend, "okay" she says "I'm ready". They make their way into the arriving area and look at the screen for scheduled arrivals. "Okay, he should be landing any minute now." Chrissy says in between practically hyperventilation. "Calm, down girl. Everything is fine." Shae stresses to her now, more than nervous best friend. As the minutes, that seem more like hours, creep past. Chrissy becomes impatient. "This screen says his flight was supposed to land at 11:30, its 11:42 - I knew this was bullshit. C'mon Shae, we're going back home." says a highly frustrated Chrissy. "Girl, WAIT. He's coming, I know he is!" Shae says trying to calm her down. And as if on cue Chrissy looks towards the escalator and sees Bryan making his way down, and staring right at her. "Oh, shit." she says to her best friend under her breath. "Girl he is TOO cute! You better go snag em' before I do." Shae says jokingly. As Bryan makes his way towards Chrissy, it's like she's stuck. She can see nothing around her but him. She wants to hug him, kiss him, tell him how schocked and happy that she is to even actually see him. But her body won't let her. "So are you going to hug me, or just stare at me?" Bryan says. "Oh, my gosh." Chrissy manages to mutter. "I can't believe you're here, I had talked myself into thinking that you weren't going to show for so long. That now that you're actually here, I can't believe it." She says in a tone of utter disbelief. "Well, I am here baby. And I want us to make this work." he says. With tears forming in her eyes, she hugs him and whispers in his ear "Thank you. You don't know how long I've waited for you." He places his index finger and thumb under her chin, lifts her head, and gently kisses her. "Well I knew you were coming!" Shae says while giggling to herself. She introduces herself to Bryan as they get his luggage and the three of them leave for lunch. 

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