Chapter 6: Rhydian

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Rhydian's POV

Carys and I walk back to Maddy's together. We both wanted to bring our girlfriends but they insisted that it would be best if we went alone, so Ava doesn't feel like we're ganging up on her. Carys and I haven't really spoken that much since what happened with Kincaid, but that's mostly because she hasn't been here. I've been desperate to apologize again but there hasn't been a good moment yet. She's only been back five minutes.

She walks a little ahead of me the whole way there, I can't tell if it's because she's still mad at me, or if it's because she just wants to get this out of the way. God knows I want to.

"You okay Carys?" I ask as we reach the house.

"Yeah I'm fine, I just wish none of this ever happened," she sniffles.

I can't see her face, but I know she's crying. I catch up to her and stand right in front of her, "Hey, it's going to be okay," I touch her arm, "You're strong, we're strong," I try to show her that we're in this together, that she's not alone, but she can't look up from the ground.

"Why are you being so nice? I thought you'd hate me, after all, she wouldn't be here if it weren't for me," she wipes her tears away.

Now's the right time.

"No, no of course I don't hate you. We're part of the same pack, and I guess now in a weird way, we're sort of family. Listen, about the way I treated you before you left, I know we sorted all of that out, but I just have to apologize again. I was frustrated and scared and I took it out on you, and I really am sorry."

She finally looks up from the ground and meets my eyes, "It's okay," she smiles at me, but I can tell that something is still bothering her. But maybe now isn't the best time to press her on it.

I embrace her in a hug, and she grips me like she never wants to let go, and she doesn't until we both smell something, someone; Ava. We turn to see her standing at the door of Maddy's house. We go inside and all sit in the living room. I'm the first to break the long awkward silence.

"So, Ava, you said you work for Segolia?" She's staring at Carys, who's looking down at her hands fiddling with the holes in her sleeves.

"Um yeah, I work in the offices in London, it's one of the largest in the country."

"Oh right, so you know other Wolfbloods then?" I ask.

"Yeah, loads, they fly us all out to Norway on full moons."

"And How did you find out about it? Segolia?"

"My foster parents were genetic scientists, when I first transformed, I was already out in the forest near where we lived. I was fourteen. When I came home and tried to explain what happened, they didn't believe me, so I got angry. As in, black veins, yellow eyes angry. They ran all kinds of tests on me. Spoke to their other scientist friends who all wanted to see me change. They got funding from one of their rich friends and started Segolia. I was basically a living experiment growing up," she looks sad.

I can tell that Carys is paying attention, but I can also tell she wants nothing more than to get out of here. She seems to have no intention of letting Ava in, and I get why. But I just don't think it's fair to shut her out.

"So, what are we gonna do then?" I bite the bullet.

"I want to get to know the two of you, I want to learn about my father."

Carys closes her eyes and breathes deeply, shutting everything out.

"I want you both to come back to London with me."

Absolutely not, "Um, I don't think that's the best idea, I've just settled back in with my foster family, and Carys can't come back yet. We can't leave our packs."

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