Chapter 10: Rhydian

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Rhydian's POV

With the pack having moved closer because of Carys, it doesn't take long for me to find their camp so I can talk to my parents. If they really are my parents. Mum can smell me coming, either that or her instincts are telling her something is really wrong. We run into each other in the woods.

"Mum, what's going on?" I don't greet her properly, I can't yet. Not until I get the answers that Carys and I deserve.

"It's Carys isn't it?" She says, shaking, fear in her eyes, "Take me to her, Rhydian."

"No," I state, "I'm not taking you anywhere until you tell me who she is. And why the doctors are saying that she's my sister," I'm angry, my eyes turn yellow and my veins turn black.

"Calm down, cariad," she pleads.

"Answer me, mum!" I hate being angry with her, but I'm so frustrated and confused, and it all comes out through rage.

Her bottom lip starts quivering, and then she bursts into tears, she drops to the floor, "She's my cub. I had her almost a year after I had you."

My anger fades, now all I am is confused. "She really is my sister? And what about dad?

"He's her father," she admits.

"What?" I shake my head. "No, but her parents- they raised her. This doesn't make any sense, mum!"

"Her pare- Geraint and Rhiannon. They took her from me when she was a few months old," she tears up, "Geraint had somehow found out that I had Ava and gave her away all those years ago. Then when Carys came along, he took her while we slept."

"But why?"

"If he couldn't have his daughter, then I couldn't have mine," she breaks down and I pull her up, hugging her tight. 

"That's why I've been having these weird instincts, that something was wrong. It was her that was suffering," there are so many thoughts racing through my mind.

Why didn't mum say anything before? Carys spent months in the wild with her and dad, and neither of them said a word about it.

"Please, take me to her Rhydian."

I nod, and I take her hand and we walk back to the city. 

She whimpers the whole way there. She tells me about dad barely being able to look at Carys, because he's so heartbroken that his own daughter doesn't know who he really is. They didn't tell her because she had just lost both Geraint and Rhiannon, they didn't want to complicate things more. Look where that got us.

I tell her what Whitewood said, about Carys' mental health. I have to explain exactly what Carys' disorders are, in the wild they just have sanity and insanity, no specific terms for anything.

We exit the forest and make our way into town to go to Segolia. Mum's never been there before, I don't think she's ever even been to the city. We walk hand in hand into the building and up to the med wing. Mum comes to a stop outside Carys' door.


"She's going to hate me," she's still teary-eyed.

"She won't, you protected her. She's in shock, and sort of messed up right now, but she could never hate you, she couldn't hate anyone. The worst that will happen is that she won't talk to you for a little while. She hasn't spoken to me yet. And anyway, she'll get over that. She doesn't really have a choice," I squeeze her hand, "We'll be okay, mum, I'm right here."

She pulls herself together and takes a deep breath. We walk in to find Ava sitting on the chair I spent the night on, Jana sitting on the edge of Carys' bed, and Carys standing looking out of the window. Jana and Ava look up at us.

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