Chapter 12: Rhydian

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Rhydian's POV

Mum, Dad, Alric, Maddy and I all walk back into town together. I don't know if it's such a good idea to bring Alric inside the Segolia building; the machines and everything might spook him, but he wants to see Jana. And Jana won't leave Carys' side.

I told Maddy everything about Carys and my parents, she was as shocked as I was. But she's been so supportive.

"Why don't you all wait out here for a second, we'll just go in quickly and make sure everything's alright," I take Maddy's hand and we go inside together.

"Do you think they'll let her out soon?" She asks as we walk down the hall. "You said she seemed like she was getting better."

"I don't know, she's been pretty up and down. Jana said she had a bit of a turn last night. Plus, if Dr Whitewood does discharge her, where would she even go? The wild isn't exactly the best place to recover from a mental break."

She shrugs, "She knows she's welcome at mine, but if the social worker keeps coming back, she'll just try and take her away again."

We walk into Carys' room. She and Jana are fast asleep on Carys' hospital bed. We quietly back out, making sure not to wake them up.

"I think we should let them be, it's been a long day for all of us. Your parents and Alric can come and stay in the cellar and we'll bring them back tomorrow, yeah?"

Maddy tries to stay calm and level-headed but I know she's a little bit frustrated. I just wish we could all sit down and talk it out now, to get it over with. Maddy's right though, it's getting late and Carys needs her rest. So do I, come to think of it, I barely slept on that armchair.

We bring them back to Maddy's and Mr and Mrs Smith aren't too pleased with the surprise guests, but they care too much about Carys and me to turn our family away. Alric complains, saying it's a desecration to Wolfblood kind to sleep in a human building, but I tell him that Jana needs him here and he settles down, curling up in the corner of the cellar.

Maddy and I sit up in the living room until everyone is asleep, Maddy's basically asleep herself.

"Mads?" I gently nudge her, "I'm going back to Segolia, I just want to make sure they're okay."

She mumbles something unintelligible and rolls onto her side.

I know if she was properly awake, she wouldn't want me going there at this time of night, but I'm not gonna get any sleep when I'm this worried about Carys. And I hate feeling useless. The least I can do is be there if they need something.

I run through the forest to get into town quicker. Something stops me when I come to the clearing, a scent, a strong one. I sniff around, it's a Wolfblood. I know exactly who it is.

"Bryn?" I shout into the night, "It's me, Rhydian. Come out and talk to me."

A little head out pokes out from behind a tree, "Rhydian?"

"Bryn..." I can't help but smile when I see him.

He smiles back and runs to me. I hug him tight; I haven't seen him in months, he must have grown a whole foot, and his voice has gotten deeper.

"Rhydian!" He's so happy to see me.

"Where've you been little man?"

"I'm a lone wolf now, ever since Jana took over the pack," he says.

"She didn't take over, she inherited the pack from Alric. You shouldn't have run off like that, mum's had enough of her family disappearing around her."

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